Registration Sticker

Mine is falling off this time around too… I thought it was just from the GA humidity/ heat, but I guess not!

mine is on with electrical tape…

Nevada uses stickers on the license plate to show your registration is up to date. Also, you can’t register your car without passing smog so there is no need for an inspection sticker because if your car is registered it means it passed smog. Nice way of doing it if you ask me.

This is what happens when the state has to take the lowest bid, or when all jobs go to friends of officials.

Half peeled. No complaints though. It will just be easier to take off when I switch my registration over here in VT. Here it’s a sticker on the plate with a holographic inspection sticker in the center of top of the windshield.

And on another note to NYS… your choice of WHERE to locate the stickers on cars was fucking atrocious. Have you ever tried to get in there and scrape the residue off on a car with a normal dashboard? Insane.

Try doing that on a Fbody. :io:

This drives me crazy! You wash, wax, vacuum and amoral… everything is perfect and shinny and new, then you look up and the frickin sticker looks like ass.

I use tape.

The vettes is ok, but my jeeps was held on by one corner… lame low quality.

yep mines like this as well, i notice lots of customer cars have this issue

we just do it like the other states and put it on the license plates