rehab programs?

seriously, I haven’t smoked weed in almost a year, but the military wants me to go through rehab to prove that I am “cured” of that “addiction”. So does anybody know of any government-sponsored local rehab programs? (Can be any level of gov’t: town, county, etc)

Thanks in advance! If you successfully help me find a rehab program, you’d be proud to know that you’re helping me defend our freedom. :tup:

and if any of you are already militarily inclined, you’d be happy to know that I scored a 89 on the ASVAB.

rehab on stomach FTW

that’s funny and all, but I’m being serious here. I’m really done fucking fat chicks. lol

Good luck. Those places are scary.


aw man i just roffled all over the place

omfg, i totally just spit water all over

Try that place on millersport next to the pizzaria near the 290 exits

oh, that might just be a drug testing place…

well, they would know where a rehab program/clinic would be though. thanks for the lead. :tup:

Horizon on NFB has one i think?

^ is that near the 290 also?

Maple and Niagara Falls

Across from Delta

I know they do AAA and a few rehab programs. Not sure exactly though.

Fat Chick Fuckers Annonymous.

Check the phonebook?

That is fucking stupid. How can they be so picky and even mummble the word draft? What physical addiction is there to marijuana?

  1. what branch
  2. what is your career gonna be
  3. wait til you get to tech school and your 89 makes you look like a genius, i went through tech school @sheppard since i am in the ANG and people had like 60s, and my instructor laughed at mine when he saw it… and asked why I was in the mil when i should be going for something else… then i told him national guard and he was like good choice
  1. ANG. :tup:
  2. I’m thinking heavy equipment ops (construction vehicles and stuff like that)
  3. I don’t know what schools I’m going to go through right now…probably UB (all SUNY schools are free, BTW)

also, the Sgt. just called me a few minutes ago and he suggests Horizon also. :tup: to that suggestion!

and Z, I totally agree with you, but I quit back in December because I was looking for other jobs. I would have thought 8 months would have been enough time for professionals to get over it. It’s just something I grew out of. other drugs didn’t really appeal to me either.

Does this look like the face of a man who smokes weed?

Well, i can tell you this looks like the face of a MAN who smokes weed


oh jesus

/old but classic. lol

self burns hurt sometimes. haha

lol At how you can’t ask a simple question.


this thread is rough!