Legal Injection sites for illegal drugs?

Yay or Nay?

We also have a meth problem around this area as well.
Maybe if we had Meth injection and manufacturing sites…

I feel like we should help people with drug additions. It is a serious problem, as you already mentioned so why not reach out and try to make this part of society trust the people trying to help them?

Ignoring it won’t make it go away, so we mind as well try to make it part of society. People helping people.

We have bars where people can drink and then drive home.

I’m okay with it. Personally having had to use Narcan on someone while working was not cool. Also seeing what the drugs do to families…not cool either.

Whatever helps the people, it’s not the usual scuzzy drug addicts, the average OD victim in WNY is a white, surburban male in his 40s.

Why would you do this instead of have treatment facilities?

This does nothing to change behavior

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And you think those people are going to show up at some approved do drugs here location? lol

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Most people don’t inject meth and most are not ODing from meth…

This is where I’m at and don’t get. Maybe I’m a simpleton because giving “safe” injection sites for people to use illegal drugs doesn’t make sense to me.
The other thing is, as with most things, who is going to pay for all of this?

I understand that, but my sarcastic point was, maybe we should start opening up “safe” Meth facilities, a place to do and manufacture, it creates jobs and makes this illegal activity safer.

At this point you might as well provide heroin that isn’t cut with anything that is going to kill people…

If there was a way to help people with drug addictions, providing them with a place to shoot up isn’t one of them.

Better yet - legalize it, tax it. If they want to commit suicide via drugs, so be it. Everyone here is right though - they’re gonna do it either way.

The government shouldn’t be involved with helping people do anything illegal. Put the money you’re going to spend operating these safe injection sites into rehab facilities and outreach programs instead.

That’s where I think this is wrong.
You can deem a drug illegal, but then offer “safe” injection sites.
Along with rehab facilities, I think we also must put some resources into mental health, which this country has ignored for years now.
Mental stability and addiction do go hand in hand in some cases.

Depends on who you ask, if you ask “former addicts” they say this is a “great idea” and since"nothing else is working" why not try something else?
The whole idea of “if what we have now is not working, try something else” is a weak argument in itself.

This would be a better idea than the government helping facilitate people doing illegal ish.

people will do what they want, legal or not. If it were legalized and taxed, I would be fine with having supervised sites, but spending taxpayer money on helping people continue an illegal practice is ludicrous.

If it were up to me, everything would be legalized and taxed; this is America and you should be allowed to do what you want to do as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others

They have a live stream of the meeting that is happening now with the Mayor outlining this plan, via The Ithaca Voice FB page.

Here is the official plan.

I agree, the private sector should be doing this.

For example, street racing is illegal, but private individuals and companies build tracks where this can be done legally.

Maybe big pharma should build the safe injection site since prescription drugs were the gateway.

Yes, I am being stupid.

Injection site, now that would be entertaining or just depressing.

So let them try it then a year from now when the impact isn’t measurable they can blame the areas around them.

So they want to use our taxpayer dollars and build facilities that allow drug addicts to shoot up where they can be monitored safely? What exactly is safe about putting that poison into your system? If you ENABLE someone to shoot heroin, they won’t be inclined to try to beat the addiction.

I have a family member who is a recovering addict. Yes it wrecks families, to an extent. It is not some BS “disease” that simply “happens” upon someone. “I woke up one day and I was an addict”, yeah FUCK THAT nonsense. The media wants everyone to feel so sorry for these individuals, as if they HAD NO CHOICE to go down that road. At some point in their life they decided to associate with other drug addicts/users. At some point they decided to inject that POISON into their system and start this domino effect that can’t stop. We’re all told at a very young age that drugs are real bad. It’s repeated on a daily basis. I have a hard time giving sympathy for drug addicts. This family member of mine that is a recovering addict has to go to this clinic and get pills that block the effects of heroin. Basically he could shoot heroin while on these pills and his body would feel nothing. The fucked up thing is that he sought out Zanax when he started on these pills, because taking Zanax while on these pills gives him some sort of high. So he was going out of his way to get these pills to get off of heroin which seemed like a positive step, yet at the same time was looking for alternative ways to get high? It happens a lot. (He hasn’t done this in a while).

Most of these people just cannot deal with everyday problems like you and me. They get upset, depressed, mad, sad, stressed etc, just like you and me. We just brush it off and move on, but they NEED an escape. They need that immediate release to take their mind off of reality.

Have any of you advocating to “legalize it all” ever taken a powerful drug? When got viral meningitis and ended up in the ER they gave me Dilaudid via an IV and I can say that was the end of the debate about legalizing all drugs for me. The high that drug gave me was unreal. Just one dose and I CRAVED it for weeks after and I don’t have chronic pain, or depression or massive stress or any of the other excuses people list when they turn to drugs. Even today I can vividly remember how awesome that feeling was and it scares me to think about making drugs in that class and worse for addiction readily available.

Marijuana fine, legalize it all you want, but you’re crazy if you think you could legalize some of these high power massively addictive opioid drugs and not see a big uptick in addiction.

This has been going on for awhile to help reduce the addict problem in Vancouver and it appears to be working.

I believe Seattle implemented something like this as well with similar results.

There are pros and cons for sure. I wish they would attack the root of the problem and make opiate pain killers harder to get / less available. No one wakes up wanting to get addicted to heroin, there is a pretty defined path of abuse, generally starting with prescription pain killers.

Sorry, that was a somewhat haphazardly response on my behalf. I think administration sites are a good idea in the sense that it allows for clean needles and safe spots for addicts. It’s usually 7-9 attempts before addicts finally “break” the habit, though relapse is very easy.

We need to address that we have a growing epidemic of cheap street heroin. Once we address that, we can treat it by bringing in private organizations to help run these facilities and set up addiction counseling or rehab.

Other countries have similar programs for their addicts, it doesn’t lead to more addicts but it does concentrate them so they are more easily accessible for treatment.

If you want to be realistic about why this is now a big issues is because its white people in the suburbs being impacted…

Beyond that if you’re going to make supervised injection sites why not just provide clean regulated drugs? People are ODing from variances in quality and people cutting heroin with all kinds of junk.

I’m also curious what the end goal is since this won’t change or curve behavior.

Heroin isn’t the problem. It’s when you run out of heroin. That’s the problem.