Rehearsal Dinner Recommendations

We are looking for a place in the South Hills to have our rehearsal dinner. We are getting Married at St. Winifred’s right off of Sleepy Hollow Rd…so somewhere closer tot hat would be OK. Right now we are considering:

The Grove
Bado’s (on Beverly Rd)
Atria’s (Green tree)

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Bradley House or Salvatore’s?

Whats the name of that restaurant right across the road from Haddad’s in Pleasant Hills, that big seafood restaurant or whatever it is. Seems like a pretty big, nice place.

Baltimore House

I live like 2 min from there…humm maybe it’s an idea

Bradley House. i was there like 2 weeks ago and awesome food

brass rail

congrats on gettin married man

bradley house… or the place behind hoss’s resterant on 51 by bigKMART. that place does alot of shit like that. the name has slipped my mind but a buddy of mine worked there in highschool

That is the Georgetown. We were going to have our reception there but when we tasted the food we were not too impressed.

Well we have decided on Atria’s on Banksville Rd. All of us really like that place and since my little brother valet parks cars there he may be able to get us a discount . Thanks for all the input.

we had one at the grand concourse. a little further than what you’re looking for but it worked out perfectly for us. we had our own room and the service and food was great.