RELATIONSHIPS: Are you faithful?

Eff that.
Blowing some dude instead of fucking him doesn’t make it any better.
Cheating is cheating…

I don’t want to fuck up what i got going on right now.

LOL at EA discussion

so true


And cheating is retarded in my view. Why be in a relationship if you want something more?

then the kids come out

:beer: ahhh

i bet there are only a select few that were around for the toe fucker days… “so i toe fucked the shit outta her!!!”

i havent seen him in a while. i actually played little league baseball with him and went to grammar school with him… lol.

i am happily married, have never cheated on my CURRENT girl, and will never. no need, she provides everything i need, physical, emotional, et al.

i cheated on some stupid HS and early college “gfs”. seriously, at that age, when it isnt a legit relationship, who cares…


depends, if it’s “dating” then by all means I can do whatever I want to whenever I want to. If your my “girlfriend” then it will never happen, if I catch myself thinking about another girl they the one i’m with gets a cyathefucklater.

No Rubber>Rubbers

ps it isn’t cheating if the girl your with is bi and your both fucking the same person =)

Almost always, I suppose, since I fucked around on one or two of my exes. Haven’t messed around in a long, long time though, and it won’t happen with this girl.*

  • disclaimer: Offer void under any circumstances involving alcohol and a roomful of straight-curious lesbians who decide to use me as a slave for a night.

who said anything about the possibility of getting pregnant?:stuck_out_tongue:

lol yea thats what i said… but when she is prego… she will do things you never knew she would want to :tup: and you need someone to take over the “bis” once you get 50ish

always. 80/20 Rule

Explain? I feel like I should know this, but it’s not going to register this early.

so do you speak from personal experience? …your wife is pregnant…:wink:

i also did not get the 80/20…

yes i speek from experience

the what?

what the shit are you guys talking about

zong when your wife was prego …did she ask for anything diff in the bed…?? or want it more?.. if yes then that is what we are talking about

:wave: SHOtime

different in bed…hmmmmmm I can’t think of anything else that we can do;)

But why is it called the 80/20

because you did 80% of the work and she had 20% of the fun?

Someone explain this 80/20 rule!