RELATIONSHIPS: Are you faithful?

In a relationship you only get 80% of what you need. That 20 is that hottie or whoever that you are tempted to go for to get that other 20% of what you need.

You think you got it, so you drop the 80 for the 20. Yet once you get the 20 you realize you getting alot more with the 80. For example ( your hottie dumb as hell, can’t clean, cook, or do some laundry).

Never leave ur 80 for 20. Cheat on your girl, she better be better than what you are leaving as a whole. :tup:


Then its not cheating, its you moving on.

It applies when it is cheating my friend, ppl cheat because they think they are getting something better. Hence where this rule applies…

i see what you did there … :tup: to the 80/20 rule

You had better not have a 20…young man!!

Your my 110 and if you have a 20 your a dead man! I should be all you need.

It is a good rule though!! :tup: :wiggle:

ha i have a 5 ( she is downstairs )


back to my OP on page 1 … i said i like this one :bowdown: