RELATIONSHIPS: Are you faithful?

Always but it’s not because I’m nice, I have a guilty conscience.

Ha, I voted and thought “Fuck, it’s probably an open poll”

Then realized there’s nothing but guys on the site, and I gave my honest manswer :slight_smile:

Ah, so you’re the one who can’t stop fucking. :lol: :highfive:

Best option on the poll!

No option for “Did at one time, but not again” type of thing

it’s in general, doesn’t apply to people who only managed to get one GF.

I usually avoid committed relationships so I won’t have that problem, but when I get stuck into them, then yeah every couple months


i’ve been faithful to mine. i love her to death and wouldn’t trade her for newman’s STI. been with her for 7.5 years now.

thats a jail sentence my friend.

its all relative and depends on your definition of doing something “questionable” or “wrong”

she IS pretty awesome though.

she also doesn’t have as much leak down as newmans pos.

What are you getting at? Dudes don’t count?

For the record, ANY time I’ve ever done something wrong, I’ve always told. This eventually lead to a trizzy. Believe me, I feel horrible inside :cjerk:


does her mom count…

Unfaithful in highschool and early college, Faithful when dating and relationships became “real” and “meaningful”

That sounded gay.

Naw, you just wanted to know what it was going to be like in 30 years to make sure that the marriage would work. :tup:

I have cheated on a girlfriend, I have had 2 girlfriends at once. Since then I have had other girlfriends, but have not and would not cheat. I have changed my ways…no poll option?

you have the worst case of yellow fever I have ever witnessed.
get that fob out of your sig