RELATIONSHIPS: Are you faithful?

The poll question is “Are” not “Were” you faithful…


But the poll question and current responses imply past tense as well…

I heart over complicating such a trivial thing!

once or twice… but i alway left the girl for the new slampiece

Just vote almost always. :lol:

I don’t have yellow fever.

I have third muscle fever.

I did :slight_smile:


Far cry from it. If anything i don’t know why in god’s name she stays with me. I remember when i first took her out. Nikuk told me straight up if i eff it up with her he’ll kill me. I’ve been a man of my word since.

What is she his sister or something?

Very close friends of the family. All of us (Nick, his wife, his wife’s brother, wife’s mom, my g/f, both of my g/f’s sisters, and myself ) worked together. Those were the good old days. Now the only one left working there is my g/f and she runs the show.

Gotcha. Sounds like a bunch of good people. Except for Nick. He’s a bag.

i think he’s alright. i may have lived with him for quite some time.

im 100% faithful to my wife .i like this one… but she has told me if i find a JDM “little person” i can smash

May as well have been. I’ve known her since she was 13, showed her her first porn, etc. :tup:

it’s alright though, I love patrick.


don’t put it out with your boots, ted.

ok so let me get a few responses for this. what would be worse. cheating on your fiance just before your wedding or cheating on your husband/wife 4 months after?


i’d say whatever could get the most BB points…

Before. If you do it after, getting caught is a lot more expensive.