RELATIONSHIPS: Are you faithful?


This beers tonight thing sounds like not such a bad idea. (well, captain and diet for me, since I’m just straight like that)


+1 karma

Did someone say beer?
Count me…:frowning:

the nyspeed mid-week drinking crew has really tanked since you went home :frowning:

Zong you have a pm

no gay just smashing… ill be slow

<~~~ lol saw/seen/watched title change

Not working tomorrow :wave:

I can’t wait to drink beeeeers later. mmmmm

I see a lot of :blah:, from people in relationships…

Who the hell is “End”?

Just found out my boss is off tomorrow. Work from home it is. :slight_smile:

where the fuck is Evolve? It’s thursday, and month end.

Brew Pub?

nick he is at lunch with SHERMANTOR (Christopher Owen if you will)


wtf is he doing at the brew pub? thought they were getting sushi?

lol no, I was suggesting it for tonight.

lol no, I was suggesting it for tonight.

obviously the best reason is more points in BABESBALL.

In. That’s close enough to my house that I won’t be that motivated to end up at slicks making awkward conversation with my HS graduating class…always a plus.