RELATIONSHIPS: Are you faithful?

Geoff and Paulo are bad influences.

Twom’s a good guy, but he’s whipped.

i had the opportunity before but i would not be able to live with the guilt of following through. plus it has happened to me before and the feeling sux i would not want anyone to go through that

i am faithful to the one i love… myslef. I never let myself down.

One part happy with what I have, one part enjoying being able to look myself in the mirror for upholding a moral standard I have chosen for myself.

Fry no one here will believe that you have morals. Just stop.

I talk a big game. I’m really just a slut though.

Error: No option for “Don’t want to land a significant other and deal with all the BS involved in relationships. I fuck who I want, when I want.”

Sure there is:

Error: I can’t seem to land a significant other to either cheat on or NOT cheat on so I make up excuses for my lonlieness

:tup: :stuck_out_tongue:




I’m a modern Don Juan, bitch

Geoff goes after girls for their money. Or daddy’s money.

true story.



lol. good point.

beers tonight? :hay:

Sure. But you’ve got to feed me liquor if you want to get me drunk enough to fondle my balls.

i like beer


Mike, Zong. Zong, Mike. Zong also likes long walks on the beach. :pedo:

^to zong

hahahaha. Looks like a white Ray Charles.

lol fry


me: do you really want to do this right now
with all your underwear pics i have from my d60
zong: only dan has pics of that
me: oops!

With that bod, how could I remain faithful to my gf??