RELATIONSHIPS: Are you faithful?

:lol: :lol:

Honestly…I completely forgot about that…thanks for the reminder :tup: and the terrible mental images…


Interesting question. Any of the married guys I know ALWAYS say it’s okay to play the field before you’re married, no matter how serious you think your current relationship is. Once a ring enters the picture, those wants should be gone, as well as any cheating obviously.

For the record, my record is clean…I’ve been a good boy.

Im only faithful when they gave me that “official title” up until then its 2 or 3 other girls at the same time

amazing aint it?

So which one’s the guy? :stuck_out_tongue:

the one with the looser mitt.


i flirt with the sub girls at work, but cmon! theyre all so hot and young… its hard not too…

and ive never cheated on my gf

Flirting is defintely NOT cheating. I flirt all the time.

Those of you who say no/never, is it actual disinterest in any other girl or fear of getting caught? If you were in a foreign country and a girl on your gf’s level or a point or 2 higher wanted it, and didnt know your name or where you were from, would you hit it?

(11:59:30 AM) mrpaulo: I never dipped the pen in foreign ink while dating


fear of getting caught/ fear of ruining something good.

but if that’s the case, what is a random lay going to do for you? The few times I did cheat, I was disliking the relationship that I was already in.

but what is a random lay supposed to do for you other than provide you with a quick nut? maybe cure that sense of curiosity you may have when see a chick that you wanna fuck other than that i could not tell you…all the more reason not to cheat:gotme:

True. Curiosity killed the cat my friend.

I wish I had a nickle for everytime a middle aged older man told me to fuck as many girls as I possibly could before getting married.

since it looks like basically all guys answered this… maybe a better poll is - how many of you think that a g/f or wife of yours has cheated on you? how many of you know it? how many of you really think it, but just don’t want to believe it?


I think its sort of a snowball effect kind of thing. If I get away scott free once, then I will know that I can do it and not get caught, and the probably do it often until it is constantly going on.

Besides, sure I think other girls are hot, but it is not nearly worth ruining a good thing.

This poll is full of either liars, or ugly dudes.

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