Remember the Orange 180???

Someone will probly just make another thread about my car in a week if you delete this, they just love it too much!

no doubt you and your queer green friend need too give it up im 6’0 and 230 6.7 body fat % and have been training mma for 4 years i know this thread aint about this but i can kick the shit out of all of you is what im saying so dont try and send me emails and pm trying too start shit cause i called your car a peice of garbage cause me and all of SON share the same opinion in this matter so fuck you, your hulk, your brother, your gramps, and your car say somthing too my face if you wanna get stomped but overall fuck you :wink:

This thread changes within itself worse than Young & the Restless does. Settle down ladies

I bet ur just some ugly pussy computer geek kent, my car is better then yours so stop being so jealous. You arent going to smash anyone.

hmm you lieing P.O.S.

“Specialedition you have no idea what your talking about, why dont you come to my shop in courtice and actually see it? Also I dont know why you guys saying osaka is bad, sure some of the cars do need some work, but they offer fair prices and will do anything to the cars if you ask them. If you seriously want to come check it out my shop is in courtice, leave me a number and I will give you details. If specialedition seen this 180sx in person, he would know that the car was NOT in RUNNING condition, I had a NEW sr20 and tranny from s15 installed while I was in montreal. I already said the suspension, clutch, fmic and everything is brand new, I changed all the parts, they are not the same that osaka had on them. Honestly guys stop talking about things you really have no understanding about, come to my shop and lets look over everything, then you guys can feel like complete dicks and say sorry to me okay? Stop acting like you guys know everything, the proof is sitting on the hoist, come check it out.”

there you go

once this gets thrown into the drama section, which im seriously surprised it hasnt yet… it’ll die…

soooooooooo +1 for post count

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit…

Wow you are such a idiot, all that shit wrote was ages ago the work was done at Osaka while I was in montreal, I didnt do the work…You can ask them if you really care that much.

This thread kills me everything I read it . DoZeDrift stop with the all hating on everyone and grow up.

Everyone else is the hater not me, you just wanna fallow the son crew go ahead but I didnt start any of this bit, you guys are just jealous fags.

Anyways I was having fun but once again some of you got too serious so I will just leave it at, my cars cooler then probly 100% of ppl who posted on this thread, probly faster too, and if it isnt now, it will be by the time summer hits. So if you really wanna say something, why dont you just post some pics of “your” cars not someone elses, and put mine to shame, if you can? Cus thats all I really care about, what do you guys got? you sure got a lot to say but do you have anything half cool? I think most you all bunch of posers who act big on a forum, but I bet none of you got any driving skill to back it up, probly do a few skids on the street or slide around a parking lot thinking ur hot shit. Lets see some pics, videos of your rides please all this talk is getting boring, let the cars do the talking!

Go watch F&F again with your hulk lover…fag.

I have been in the drift scene long before the f&f hype. I have been had many bad ass nissans, so stop talking shit about me, I would drift circles around you in my " fast&furious" 180sx.

I am sure my gtr was very rice too ^ Same with the the other 10+ nissans I have owned.

ill go for a ride in my s600 over your pos all day anyday.

plus i dont think your 180sx is cooler then 06 350z any bit more.

now that is a car that worth 15~20g.(forgot to say this) STOCK lol lol lol

Whats the diff between Tiger Woods and Santa Claus??

Santa Claus stops at 3 HO’s!!!


Well I was reading the Globe and Mail, and it says Tiger Woods has changed his name… to Cheeta Woods! His action figure is why Barbie and Ken broke up.


^fuck you batman i was just gonna say this

see now i would have left this guy alone except he continuously calls me and every other member on here fags which i just wanna punch him in the throat.

maybe i ll shove some green painted broom stick up in his ass.

since he loves that word fag

btw… still think 15g is over priced for that nissan. 15g you can buy a alot nicer newer car you can beat the crap out of.

^no kidding you could build this car for 12gs and even then youll never get your money back

Hahaha you need your friends to fight for you, you fucking pussy! Id love to come down to toronto and fuck you and your crew up where they be

Well its a good thing I only paid $3800 for this car now that I sold that wing. The hulk thing was only a joke, I am not looking to fight any of you computer geeks. So stop talkin french boy you probly couldnt fight your way out of a wet paper bag