Remember the Orange 180???

I think I reacted good for the most part, but someone can only take so much disrespect from complete strangers, I was not the first asshole. Deposit was left by a friend who wanted it who ran into some money problems and had to back out so I returned his money, at that point I decided I didnt want to sell it, put it up for a price I knew I would never get and here we are today. I have never hated on anyones ride, so why hate on this one? I thought it was pretty sick from the start, I had my eye on this 180 for a long time before it was even in canada, sure as hell easy project if you ask me.

[QUOTE=S13GG;471503]wow, who is your body guy, that kit fits like JUNK for such an expensive car,

I mean really, that shit is straight sloppy,

I have not even touched the body. Everything needs to be done, front bumper top mount is too far foward, really easy fix though. I dont do body work, I was actually going to ask if anyone has someone they would reccomend here? I am thinking about going with all black, or silver.

because you are representing it as something it is not,

so do the doors rub the skirts on both sides?

as someone who has done body work, that isn’t simple, look at where it meets the fender…

How am I representing it as something its not? :s

In the front? I know, because most of the screws have fell out, and the top needs to be pulled back about a inch, it really isnt that hard. I just mean I dont paint, I really need someone with some paint skills.


for the price the bodykit should fit properly…

the last 240’s that sold on here for more that $15K were actually nice…

its hard to tell if that is paint missing in the low res photos… on the skirt at the front of the door jamb…

Im sorry but thats just wrong

The car isnt for sale…Really wasnt anything wrong with the body when I first got it, just a few loose screws from all the driving thats all.

If you google monster 180sx you will find my car how I got it.

front bumper fits like shit in those pics too

see how nice and tight the bumper fits near the headlight, vs yours

That hulk guy aint even big… my boy is 170lbs 4% bodyfat at 5,7 a bit bigger than that hulk guy and i can still kick his ass and he’ll admit it himself.

no doubt, how many punches to the esophagus can he take?

The hulk guy aint even big? lol hes 6,6, hes pretty big!

And the last thing I will be worried about is my body kit fitting, like I said its literally one bolt and it will fit 100%, its not rocket science…

it will never fit 100%, unless you are on glue, then your perception is fcked

and the parts that make the corner fit nice is niether a screw or a bolt but rather a series of brackets and nuts

Riiight…Its really not that hard, the front top just needs to be pulled up, I already looked and know why its like that, because the top mount is far foward, when I bring it back and more up, it should fit mint, I have had this problem with 2 other s13’s, even zipties work good to fix if you wanna be a lil ghetto. The 2 side bolts are loose too, I really havent botherd to touch it, I really dont care at this point lol.

originally you said YOU just got s15 motor put in yadda yadda you got called out for a ridiculous price then you said you did these mods where you clearly didnt then later said you had to do a tune up and cage thats not in yet?how isnt this miss representing

When did I ever say that I just got s15 motor put in? I only said it has a s15 engine. I havent even said anything that I have done to my car, no one has a clue, I said a few things maybe but that was old news. I have had a cage since the day I got the car, was shipped to my house by osakajapan. I wasnt trying to represent anything, when I was selling the car, I said what the car had at the time, that was what months ago? Nothing really miss representing, I just really wasnt trying to tell you guys anything about my car in the first place lol…

Can we delete this thread its really just wasting space.