Remember this dummy???

Well this is the out come of the crash…

Evo>GTR on the touge.

Apparently with all the computers the GTR has it can’t make you a better driver

so why does his sister get charged when it was completely his fault for everything?

^^^^ Svetlana from The Real World. WIN

+1 soo hot

this kids a retard… wow

lmao kid is a douchebag and youtube fucked him haha

What an asshat… This is what happens when you give some dumbfuck 21 year old kid a real car.

lol…I saw the article and as soon as I started watching the video in the article I knew that I saw it on here a while ago…

I think he convinced his sister to file the first claim, so she did committed a crime. Well, he got caught, but I am sure this type of fraud is very common, among the type where people install shit to their car, blow the engine, put the stock parts back on and try to claim warranty…:rofl

…and now I see why those people put took hooks on their car, cause they intended to use it shortly after…:rofl

That kid should go to jail and thank god he got caught, otherwise we will all be paying for it.