
i was a sophmore in highschool and i was in my one technology class it was at like 10AM so everything already happened but we had no idea untill someone in the class right next to us (the rooms we joined by a door and they were always open) and someone came out and said the twin towers just fell. we are all like WTF quit jokin around. so we went over in the other room (it was a computer lab and everyone was streaming the video of it and stuff and from then on we didnt have a real class the whole day we just sat and watched what was happening in everyclass. the crazy thing is that in the class that i first heard about what happened my teacher knew someone that worked in there but i dont know what came about that.

i got hame that day and just watched tv non-stop and everytime i saw it being replayed i was like this has to be a dream its crazy that someone would do this