
I was at Canisius heading to my org management class and heard bits and pieces on the way to class. When I got there, the prof sat us down and asked if we wanted to talk about it or not.

After that class I went home and never watched that much TV in one day of my life before. I was glued to it.

I was At Ft Bragg, it was Day 1 of my NCO school and i was concerned with just getting that done. During shakedown a ranger/scuba/halo bad ass mother ran into our room, and said with a shaky voice that the south tower had fallen. We didn’t know waht he was talking about, but we would shortly find out. It was 3 hours later at lunch that we finally were able to see a TV (army schools are not like day camp) and that was the only one, in the chow hall. What i saw made the room silent, and we knew that instantly out lives were changed, and that all of our jobs got new purpose. Over and over like a movie (reminded me of Independance Day) on 3 split screens we saw the replaying of those planes crashing, burning and people jumping to thier death. 2 days later my unit flew to the Pentagon to move the bodies via Chinook to Dover AFB. 6 months later i was ass deep in a desert, taking the fight to the enemy, and have spent the majority of my adult life seeking revenge for that day. Take pause today to rememeber those lost, and those still fighting who will be lost.

I was at work at my old job, over on Main St in Williamsville. One of my coworkers had a TV in his office he kept on basically just for noise and buzzed me in my office saying to come over and check it out, there was a fire at the trade center. I walked over to his office and the broadcasters didn’t know what was going on, if it was a plane, or just a fire or what. I’ll never forget that image though of the 2nd plane coming, hitting the other tower, and the huge fireball. The news had the image of the first tower up live, the second tower was clear, and like it was in slow motion you saw the other plane hit. My coworker and I are both pretty big aviation buffs and we immediately knew it wasn’t some little Cessna.

I remember seeing both towers fall, but the image that is still as clear as it was 9/11/01 is that 2nd plane hitting.

We ran over to our boss’s office, because he had a much bigger TV that was hooked up to a dish, and sat there glued to news until about noon when it was decided to close up shop for the day. By that point everyone had decided they just wanted to be home with their families and no work was going to get done anyway.

wow I feel young

I was in 8th grade science class, I just remember watching the news all day

i had the day off from ecc… cant remember why… my mom was off too and she woke me up saying “a plane just hit the wtc.” i thought i was still sleeping and said “shut up, no wai” she was like “turn on the tv its all over the news…” i then proceeded to watch tv for the next few days watching the same clip over and over, because thats all the media had, trying to make sense of it all. somewhere in there i went to the bank and withdrew a large amount of cash in pursuit of having cash on hand just in case something else happened which may have crippled the US economy.

man, that was an efed up event. it sucks because there is so much drama going on now about how workers that were on site after the towers dropped are getting sick because of how the air conditions were… and the government is denying their claims. I just wish we had world peace.

I was in chemistry class, taking notes. Stupid teacher didn’t want to put on the news to see whats going on, instead she kept blabbering about valence electrons.

5 years flew by…

downtown Pittsburgh.

I got my girl at the time on a bus and walked my ass out of D/T.

It seems like 50 years ago now. different lifetime.

I remember it clear as the day it happened. I walked into computer applications at west seneca east and saw that the TV was on, and saw that one tower was smoking, then a few minutes later the other plane hit the other tower. I didn’t really know what to make of it at the time.

Word… I’m getting the same feeling. lol.

I took a weeks vacation from work, as I was having elective surgery the afternoon of Monday 9/10. Four wisdom teeth removed. I was destined to spend Tuesday on the couch wathcing TV regardless.


Same here, although I was drunk most of the day yesterday.

I was in school in my math class, I remember that day like I could play it back in my head like a movie.

Some facts…

6 years, 8 months Time it took to build the World Trade Center, from 1966 to 1973

1 hour, 42 minutes Time it took to destroy the towers, from the first impact to the second collapse

180 m.p.h. Speed at which a Boeing 707 could hit the towers but still not destroy them, under the official engineering plan

470 m.p.h., 590 m.p.h. Estimated flight speeds of the two Boeing 767 jets that hit the towers

0.9 Magnitude of the earthquake-like tremor caused by the impact of American Airlines Flight 11 hitting the north tower

1800[degrees]F Estimated temperature of the fires ignited by the jet fuel

1022[degrees]F Temperature at which steel loses half its strength; it melts at about 2500[degrees]F

2.3 Magnitude of the tremor caused by the collapse of the north tower, measured from 21 miles away

60 Police officers killed; 37 Port Authority, 23 N.Y.P.D.

343 New York City fire fighters killed; 60 were off duty

658 Cantor Fitzgerald employees killed

10 Bystanders killed by falling debris

19,858 Body parts recovered from the site; 4,598 have been identified

379,036 Ounces of gold recovered from the Bank of Nova Scotia vault (current value: $118.5 million)

3 Auguste Rodin sculptures recovered from the rubble

144 Rings, among the 65,000 personal items recovered from ground zero. Other items include 437 watches, 77 necklaces, 119 earrings and 80 bracelets

4 Autographed baseballs found

16 People who escaped the south tower from above the floors where the plane hit

0 People who escaped the north tower from above the floors where the plane hit

18 Survivors found in the rubble: 12 fire fighters, three police officers, three civilians. All were found by Sept. 12

92 Bomb threats phoned in to police in New York City on Sept. 11

6 Looting arrests in New York City on Sept. 11; by Oct. 11, 54 more had been made

$4 billion to $6 billion Expected total payout of government compensation to victims’ families

$2,235,997 Government estimate of the value–before subtracting insurance, pensions or other benefits–of a 25-year-old man with one child, making $50,000 a year at the time of his death

$1.36 million Average payment to first 25 families who applied

116,000 American flags sold by Wal-Mart on Sept. 11, 2001

6,400 American flags sold by Wal-Mart on Sept. 11, 2000

76% New York City public-school students who reported that six months later, they still frequently thought about the Sept. 11 attacks

3.6 million Estimated number of tourists who will have visited ground zero by the end of this year

nice find

i was in tenth grade. 3rd period.

Very interesting

Actually 20 survived, the movie World Trade Center is about the 18th and 19th people pulled from the rubble

This lady was 20th


i remember gettin locked into the cafe’ in skool they wouldnt tell us anything about what was going on and why we couldnt leave. then chris beondilio ( jam, name check?) got up on a tabel and made the most badass speach ever on the spot and when the teachers tired to pull him down all the kids around his tabel held them back for like 3 min then they principals came in and let us go watch in the aud. it was gnarly, and ya i remember how leery it was that day everyone was like a zombie.

so was i but my math teacher was flipping out telling us that we will never survive and our economy will plumit to poverty

so your teacher was half right

you were at lancaster speedway yesterday.