Removing The Smell Of Smoke/Burnt Smell

I should have fused my power line going to my amp but i got too lazy and paid the price…i don’t have pics to post…but anyway how do you remove the smell from the car? I’ve sprayed deoderizing spray into the fresh air intake with the vents on full blast and it helped a bit but i can still smell burnt plastic and the bit of the carpet that got melted. Cosmetic damage isn’t anything big…you can’t even spot it unless your looking for it and the amp is still good FTW

leave windows open and air it out for a while

Actually shampooing the carpet would do it, then you can spray it down with whatever.

Leave windows down as much as u can for the next few days,let it sit for atleast a day as is,then simply spray some whitwall on the spot adn scrub gentely and wet/dry vac it up

Go to a place that does Fire Damage Restoration (they genearly do Water Damage too and it might be easier to find them under that) and have the car Ozoned.


odoban ftw

it can be fixed for 3 dollars…use coffee…coffee is a natural deodorizer, not many people know that. wherever the fire started, like if its in your trunk, get a few cups of coffee, and sprinkle it on the carpet. wait about 12 hours, and vacuum it up, the smell will be gone…and i am being serious

baking soda as well
sprinkle that heavy every where

use a really good vaccuum though

i hope you mean just the ground up beans and not made cups of coffee

Yeah, not made cups of coffee, just the grinds…

true story, they also have coffee beans at any store that sells cologne so you can clear your sense of smell for another fragrance…

/useless post

febreeze or baking soda takes my kids puke smell out quickly. :smiley:

clean up best you can and put a spread open bag of charcoal inside and close windows, charcoal sucks up the scent