
i’m pretty sure it’s spelled wrong. yes i know there is spell check but i’m having computer problems and it wont let it check… and the keys on this laptop r so small that doesn’t help either… :headbang

who’s going. i’ve benn commissioned to build the stripper pole. ;D

i suck at computers as u can tell. i would like to attach a camera to the top and shoot it on to the we. anyone interested in helping???


Ive never been to one but Im really not into bikes anyway.

sorry!! :lol

i haven’t been on in awhile trying to answer emails and post and three people standing in front of me talking to me.

i fixed it. it’s so hot in here i figured i would take a break and check the net … bad idea… :idiots

Id like to see it being used as long as its hot girls and not saggy old biker grandmas using it but I dont have any skills when it comes to making stuff.

Maybe you can go to strip clubs for ‘research’ now.

lol ;D

Hank, if it has anything to do with strippers, I’m game, dude.

its a good time! some of the guys at my work are goin this year but tickets are like 70 bucks

pole is built. the pole has been nicely polished and erected and will be leaving with no camera, tomorrow.

i guess the camera will have to wait till next year.

i’ve started to design next years pole!! it will be a dual pole with a swing and a camera for sure!!!lol