Renting a trailer

I’m looking to rent a trailer to bring a piece of equipment from NC here. We would be leaving from here in the next week and it would take about 4-5 days round trip. The total weight of the unit is about 3,000lbs. and the it will be towed by a Trailblazer that has a(n) (realisticl) towing capacity of 5,000lbs. Any suggestions on where to get a decent trailer? I thought U-Haul but there stuff is just so shitty.

My trailer could handle the weight but it’s 4000 lbs. empty and requires an electric brake setup on the vehicle. I’m assuming you need a flat open setup? Lakeshore Hardware in Hamburg has something like this.

I could add a brake controller but Yea that’s too heavy for my father’s truck. I will check them out. Thanks.

How big is it? I’ve put my 3000+lb toolbox in a 5x9 Uhaul trailer, they’re remarkably overbuilt depending which model trailer you’re after. I presume you’re going for another fork truck?

Buy this, have it services. never have to ask again?

^ Buy that and just end up asking for tows when it falls apart 2 miles from your house. :lol:

Not sure what you have against uhaul trailers. I’ve rented a ton of them and never had an issue, other than them being a bit overbuilt to withstand rental abuse so they’re a little heavy.

Jay, I was basing it on the fact their trucks are such junk(all the trucks friends have rented) that I figured the trailers would be junk too. I ended up with the Uhaul trailer and I was quite impressed, it towed very nice and the surge brakes worked really well. I was hauling back a huge dust collector for my shop. The weight was probably about 3,500lbs. with everything.

The next forklift I get will probably weigh about 20,000lbs. my current trucks weigh about 8,000lbs.


I rented that same model twice now.

Their trucks are hit and miss. One 26 foot truck they gave me was a manual transmission diesel with air brakes. I couldn’t believe they could even rent such a thing to someone without a cdl. Another 26 footer I got was brand new, auto, and drove just as nice as a car.

That must’ve been a few years ago, right? I went in yesterday inquiring about moving trucks/trailers, they said everything now a days is Auto/Gas-Powered, I was considering the 6x12 enclosed rental trailer, but there is only 1 in the area that is out for service.

They haven’t rented a diesel, let alone a manual in nearly a decade.

Yeah, the manual was a while ago.