Rep System

Based Upon Vlad’s arguments in favor of health care and welfare…I feel it right that everyone get the same amount of positive rep points regardless of time spent on the forum or posts made. It’s only fair that everyone be equal. Thank you.

I agree but as rep is a valued resource before giving it out there should be a panel that decides if the potential receipient is worthy of said rep and if not they should be killed.

There should be a committee to decide the panel to debate about the rep. Depending on that outcome, beheading and rep will be handed out accordingly.

Fizzle 2012

pretty sure rep is actually based upon the person giving you rep. The more rep they have the more rep you receive the less rep the have the less you receive down to the point that someone with 0 or neg rep gives you neutral rep for any rep they give you

Negged lol

It’s a business, I’m free to do what I want.

Source: Silverandslow1

Edit: That is the most irrelevant argument I’ve ever heard, rep starts out even/equal for all members who signed up, then they give to each other as they please.

I’d ask you to use your brain next time and at least come up with a good comparison to demonstrate your point/argument, but that just may be asking too much of you. :dunno

Not for long.

Rep starts at zero and you earn points…my net worth started at zero and I earned money…my income and businesses incomes are then redirected to people who did nothing to deserve that income…and you are in favor of that so in order for you to not be hipocritical I think you should spread rep points from those with high rep to those with lower to make it more fair.

EDIT: I would also recommend you stop using synonyms seperated by / marks to try and sound more intelligent…we are aware even and equal are the same and point and argument are the same.

Thread sucks.

Whole forum sucks lol

Nah, forum is where you make it.

You mean what you make it?



Everyone know that, g’damn boy.

For fucks sake, stop calling this a business.

If I sell cookies off my porch I suppose I could call it a business, but just an inkling of pride would keep me from doing so.

Its your web house… its not a career.

Love u Vlad


This is amazing, keep at it :rofl

what it feels like when vlad responds nonsensically