replacing screen on gateway m6309

This is for a Gateway m6309. just curious if anyone could give me more info on this. So far i cant find any where that sells the screen for this and the m 6309 dosnt show up on dell. What would be the average price for a gateway screen, i want to say its 15.4" and i know people on here can put it together so how much would that be? if thats too much, has anyone ever bought a new laptop swapped them and then just returned it? how did that go

if you find a similar model that has the same size and type of screen, its easy to replace. typically you can find a broken laptop on ebay or just find the screen online for ~100-200 bucks.

5 of them for $170 buy it now on ebay.

they are relatively easy to remove if you have the tools, and are patient. Some things snap on/off for laptops, and you just have to be careful that the part you’re pulling is supposed to snap off, and not SNAP off. :slight_smile:

lol yeah thats a real smart thing to do, like they wouldent check it when returning, but hey go for it, id like to see your face when they tell you what a moron you are.

they are going to disassemble the laptop and check the a serial number on the screen?

umm if hes replacing a good screen with a broken one, a monkey could figure that out.

well, if its not physically damaged it is possible.

You could buy the new one, take the actual LCD out of the plastic surround and mounting brackets, etc. from the new one and put the broken one in its place, so it looks brand new…

of course, if the old one is scratched or doesn’t look completely brand new, no way that’ll work…

ok so what if they turn it on?

lol too funny.

Well, my assumption was that you would be returning the laptop, claiming it was damaged.

ahh i see, i was under the impression that he would replace the broken screen with a good one then return the new one with the broken screen.

yeah, and claim that when he took it out of the box, it was busted

right? would that work? I don’t even know.

if i was to do that, you buy the laptop for cash then you return it and give them no info about you. My dad did it with a camera before at k-mart. i work at an electronics store so i will see how they take care of returns like that and if they check