Republicans doing damage control

Republican Rep. Mark Foley is being investigated for sexually charged e-mails he sent to male teenage pages. Some Republicans may have known about this situation for months.

I saw this on Keith Olbermann’s show on Friday… How long are the American people going to keep supporting this party? :gotme:

as long as they remain uneducated?!?!?

eh I wouldn’t blame the party as a whole, there are some “good” politicians that are republicans, and some bad ones, and this goes for both parties.

I would blame this administration, that is for sure. The country will be %100 better off in 08 (jan 09) with what will hopefully be a least pointing things in a new/different direction.

Does our president really believe that fighting a war in Iraq does not create more terrorism, becuase that is a really scary thought.

I love it when the moral majority gets caught w/ their pants down, in 16 yr old boys

I lean more right, but still consider myself an independant. With that said, I don’t care what party this happened in, I want whoever knew to burn. I hate the fucking catholic church for the BS they did when they had little boy lovers. And Hate the fact that the party that i usually vote for pulled some shit like this. Does this mean that i’m going to vote in some gun hating, car hating, person, nope… not on a fuckin bet.

There should be an investigation, and if there was a coverup people should be charged. I don’t care if they’re from my party or not.

Talk about your lucky breaks for the Dems though. Barely a month from the mid-term election and they’re painting this like every Republican is a child molester.

:tup: to using something that the family wanted handled quietly for political gain. And yes, I know if it was a Dem that did it my party would be doing the same thing. It would still be wrong though.

well said :slight_smile: :tup:

Talk about your lucky breaks for the Dems though. Barely a month from the mid-term election and they’re painting this like every Republican is a child molester.

lol, of course they are… they want to win this time

See “Rove, Karl” in the Encyclopedia of How to Win Elections With the Inferior Candidate

Silly people and their two party systems. :slight_smile:

Like when Kennedy got pulled over?

Now normally I wouldn’t care and I would just LOL, but the fact that these boys were 16 makes it public business…you know like when people have to register as a sex offender.

I think the reason this is getting so much press is that reports seem to show that the boy(s) being chatted with were not “welcoming” of his advances.

A lot of people are going to compare this to the 82/83 scandal, which is bizzarre in it’s own right…In fact, that was the reason the age dropped to 16 :lol:

Now hopefully they can’t replace his name on the ballot and this becomes a “free” seat

Little history for all:

1983 Congressional page sex scandal was a political scandal in the United States involving members of the United States House of Representatives.

On July 14, 1983 the House Ethics Committee concluded that Rep. Dan Crane (R-Ill.) and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) had engaged in sexual relationships with minors, specifically 17-year-old congressional pages. In Crane’s case, it was a 1980 relationship with a female page and in Studds’s case, it was a 1973 relationship with a male page. Both representatives immediately pleaded guilty to the charges and the committee decided to simply reprimand the two.

However, Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) demanded their expulsion. On July 20, 1983 the House voted for censure, the first time that censure had been imposed for sexual misconduct. Crane, who tearfully apologized for his transgression, lost his bid for reelection in 1984. Studds, however, refused to apologize and even turned his back and ignored the censure being read to him. He called a press conference with the former page, in which both stated that they were consenting adults at the time of the relationship (the page was 17 at the time) and that it was therefore not the business of others to censure them for their private ephebophilic relationship, and he continued to be reelected until his retirement in 1996.[1]

^ Brought out publicly like republicans wanting to impeach a president for lying about a BJ…from a woman…of age.

“Just make sure you measure it for me, ok”
:gag: you sick bastard

There is a little difference between the family of the VICTIM (this case) and the family of the DEFENDANT (Kennedy case) wanting to keep the story quiet.

But yes, it is public business if there was something illegal going on. But people are arrested every day for this stuff, it doesn’t make national news headlines. I’m sure that’s why the family originally contacted their representative instead of going to the police.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen like 8 hour long Dateline specials on things just like this