Fox News: Changing FACTS just b/c

are you fucking joking?

So they got the letter wrong? :gotme:


he resigned, what facts are made up

lol I heard about this as well…O’reilly was calling him a democrat too…I cant stand that channel and exepcially their talking heads…not a one.

what facts were changed?

Mark Foley is a republican and him and his republican posse have worked very hard to cover this up.

But apparently not hard enough.

So like I said, Fox got the letter wrong. :gotme:

no its because he was an alchy

no its because he was molested as a young teen

no its because its all Bush’s fault!

“Just make sure you measure it for me”

Come on! Its no secret that he is a republican. That is funny.

R and D are caddy-corner to eachother on a keyboard. Maybe one of the fat slobs at Fox had just finished so cheese fries and his greasy (fat) fingers hit the wrong key? :gotme:

And for the record, I’m a republican, and this is very pathetic (politics in general are pathetic).

How many times have they screwed up a senator or congressman’s party affiliation? I am willing to bet NONE times.

He’s not a democrat

:word: ugh.

Almost as good as when CBS used fake documents against Bush about his military service.

Almost being the key word there. :wink:

Yeah, reporting false information like that and a typo are not even close to the same level.

Then I suppose Fox will be firing the staff and Bill O for allowing that on his show?

AFTER they make a top of the show apology for doing so…

fox will play dumb about the whole thing and get away with it, just like rush got away with calling chelsea clinton “the family dog” at age 13

Well that explains it, if that was aired on O’REilly. It even makes sense. What did you expect? :lol: