Fox News: Changing FACTS just b/c

hah, thats a stupid mistake for even someone to go through effort to point out


Shouldn’t O’Reilly be paying off women he made un-welcome sexual advances towards rather than putting typos on his show? Just wondering.

Its funny that you think it was a mistake…

if it was a mistake why did O-riley mention several times he was a Democrat… Either they did it because he can’t be a Republican because they fear god like preists (who touch little boys anyways), and do no wrong like god… or they are stupid and don’t know the facts on what they are talking about… (I vote both)

If after this shit people still vote for more of these assholes and we have a Republican House and Senate again im moving to Canada.

Promise? Lots of promises like that before the last presidential election too. I really thought this country was going to dumb a bunch of our liberals on Canada, but they’re still here :frowning:

yea, i second that. We had Sean Pen sayign the same shit, but he’s still here. I guess this country isn’t all that bad after all, even with republicans in the majority. Get over the fact that the majority of the US is republican, and only our silly little welfare state and that of the wackos in CA have such an liberal influence.

you forgot any state with an educated populous, as well as states with major cities.

It’s funny, almost all the “moving away” threads, where people are moving to states with excellent economies, are red states.

FL, GA, NC, SC. I guess “educated” and “taxed to death” must be the same.

shit, she isn’t? you mean that’s a human? EWWW


shit, she isn’t? you mean that’s a human? EWWW

double lol I’ve seen worse. a lot worse.
she’s actually decent looking in person too, my ex lives down the street from bill&hill in chappaqua and we saw them all around town

hell, i’d hit it just to hang out with her dad