Republicans for rape

How do these people get elected?

That’s not even to point finger at Republicans, Democrats have said some dumb shit too, but this is quite an extreme against common sense and just being a rational human being. As a politician wouldn’t it be smart to at least try to get some female vote?

How and why do these people get elected?


because there is still a mason dixon line and the people South of it are :skid

Relax and enjoy it?.. That’s the most ridiculous statement i think I’ve ever heard

Nothing shocks me anymore with the people in power.


These guys just keep digging themselves a bigger hole. :rofl

GOP Senate candidate says out-of-wedlock pregnancy and rape are ‘similar’

I had read that Paul Ryan sponsored a bill (it died a quick death) to give rights to the RAPIST should his victim become pregnant. Truth is stranger than fiction…

I think all life jackets should be banned as they only encourage risky behavior around water. The only sure fire way to prevent drowning is total abstinence from water. And in an event that you can’t swim and are pushed into the water, if it’s a legitimate pushing your body has natural ways of shutting the water out from your lungs.

There are bunch of states that actually do have situations like this. I can’t imagine having to share your life forever with the person who attacked you. Unreal.