republicans, the DOD and the White House "for rape"

I thought we could have a nice talk about this one…

see for the backstory:


I’m a philanthropist

I saw this on The Daily Show last week, what a bunch of idiots. It’s almost like the republicans don’t ever want control of the government again.

edit skip to the first commercial break. If you’re not familiar with hulu, it’s the first dot on the slider.

hahahahaha. :clap:

Quit pushing your christian values on everyone.

Looks like they should add Florida to the rape support map:

Yeah I love rape.

wow this is ridiculous

lol I lost it when he mentioned Jeffrey Dalmer and “Dinner time Arguements”

Haha, they really are the Party of No.

I love how someone can post Jon Stewart and no one questions it. He would never leaveout any details to make it sound funny or anything.

did you guys ever think no politician would ever support rape? or that they were voting against the bill not because of the rape amendment but because it is a defense appropriations bill that spends money we don’t have?

The government officials should keep worrying about who looks the best instead of making the right decisions to get this country out of the hole it is in because that makes alot of sense.

What details? 30 people voted no because Al Franken proposed it and they wouldn’t vote for anything he proposed cause they don’t like him.
And TORQD, sorry, wrong. The vote was on this specific amendment, whether or not to include it in the bill.

So what you are saying is, it is not really republicans for rape?
It is republicans against AF?
I guess this thread needs a new title.

Um… guys, the DOD and the Obama White House opposed this amendment too:

The current amendment is unenforceable and they’re working on making it better. No one is pro-rape :picard:


epic fail lol

Republicans for rape is just the name of the website and if “No one is pro-rape” rapes wouldn’t happen, would they?

Speaking on the Senate floor against the amendment, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) argued that it was a political move aimed at Halliburton.

Sounds like this asshole is. As long as it’s done by halliburton.