Reputation Points. New feature of vB.


Slowly figuring stuff out.

All the new members are set to receive 10 points by default at sing up, and they will have a rep power of 1 at sign up, however all the imported users from the old forums were starting out with 0 rep, so 0 rep power as well.

What I’ve done is went through a thread and gave a base rating to every member in here, all of which I consider active members. That will give you a base line that’s higher then a new member and a bit of an advantage.

Some quick facts. (up for change if some items are undesirable)

You are set to give 10 reps a day max.
You have to give rep to 20 people before giving to the same person again, to prevent abuse.
Every 365 days on the forum increases your rep power.
Every 2000 posts increases your rep power.
Every 10 rep points (iirc) increases your rep power.

This is a good start and keep in mind nothing is set in stone.


Much better. The only thing I would want changed is make it do you can see who gave it to you.

no way, I kinda like how it’s anonymous. I’m sure if people could see who gave them neg rep then neg rep would be given back as a form of retaliation.

Yea, that’s the way it works. But if you are more reputable than them you are barely affected.

this is shift, your logical methods are not welcome here.

srs though, if some rep happy homo gets neg rep then I’ll bet anything neg rep is returned and that defeats the purpose of the system. What if the rep happy homo has a ton of positive rep… then his lame retaliation will really effect the other person. I don’t think it’d work if it wasn’t anonymous

yeah ive seen that happen on a few other forums… gayyyyy

That is awesome! It’s just like the XP bar in an RPG :open_mouth:


reps are for gheys

You can always just put your user name at the end of your comment if you want people to know who left you rep.

and then if you want to neg rep someone just put someone elses user name at the end of the rep


:bow… brilliant!!

26 years of expirience talking right there

you’re totally neg repping everyone i hate today, like 50 times over:rofl


to bad i sign my reps a certain way

Keep in mind that we can moderate and view all the rep exchanges and comments.

Admin’s neg rep is worth a bit more if caught doing silly things :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not that subtle when we see Srs Bzns neg rep benny with the comment “for bad mold - GranmassaX” lol

ahhhh thats awesome!

since you can only see rep in the user cp can we leave nudez as rep?

I don’t recall if img tags work in rep window.

i am defeated

OHH they do