Requiem for a Dream

Interesting… Cult maybe?

Something like that… I kinda thought it was like a betting game as well

LoL this Movie is a classic it came out in 2000 and none of these clips really give you the full blown taste of this movie

great flick. haven’t seen in awhile, dling now.

link me, boy

Requiem for a dream


Simple way is right click on Download and Save Link as…

Danke schoen.

I’m home sick clearing about a tablespoon of snot out of my nose every 10 minutes, I think I will finally watch this movie as I have been meaning to for a while. I’ve heard its ridiculous and awesome plus hard to watch at times.

I got to be just as sick, I cant breath, I cant sleep, I ache all over and my lungs sounds like I am drowning. I have coughed so much my lungs feel like they are gong to fall out and because of coughing so much I can feel my head about to friggen pop. Hot then Cold then Hot, :wtf Man this SuckS

You’ve got the H1N1, mines not as bad. As of now its just located in my nose/eyes/forehead. No throat/lung problems or weird chills yet.

lol dude its not h1n1

Beat me to it.

Jen Connoly FTW.

We did one of the read the book / watch the movie things in school for this - I think it gave me nightmares. I want to say we watched A Clockwork Orange in school too.

Watch Event Horizon at 2:00am in the dark. Dare You.,

thats the Hell ship movie, right?


Just finished 13 Tzameti.

Shit was fucked up.

Nothing like pimping your girl for a fix :crook

That movie was DEFINITELY awesome

Ive heard people tell me that movie changed their lives haha

I thought it was good. Didn’t effect my life in any way however.