resume builders

does she want to be a sugar momma?


Their has to bee some won here who has those picks.

I have been told to not to, as you can’t hire someone based on looks, the recruiters I have talked to also state not to.

But, your sister’s pic has to be something decent if she makes more than Beck, so must post pics…



I’m fairly certain asking for nudes of a mod’s sister is a bannable offense.

You’re the first person to mention nudes, my friend.

This is why you guys stand at sg and mighty all night. She is also married to someone who makes more then Beck(I will use his “salary” as the new standard comparison). He is from Romania and scares me.

Yea for real Jeff WTF! Also WTF would I have nudes of my sister for? Fucking creepsters dude.

DO NOT put your picture on your resume.

I look at a lot of resumes, putting your picture on it automatically gets you made fun, branded a loser.

That said I have hired VPs with pictures on their resumes but told them to take it off.

I didnt, I asked if she wanted to be a sugar momma.

Shit…:picard: myself…Not sure how the K got on there!

This is why nyspeed can’t have adult threads.

Seems like evolve thought it was more “adult” than the rest of us.

I do not plan on it. My dad and sister are on their own on this one. She is a scientist and they are all creepy anyhow. The business that hired her was probably just excited to have a woman within 30ft of the building. My dad is an engineer and we all know they are not right in the head. (sorry guys!)

lol. me and drew are lovers.

Fag. <3


IN A GOOD WAY! :spank: :lol:

I know someone who does this professionally if you would like a reccomendation. PM me if interested.