I’ve been scanning google and called some places for quotes, but figured I’d try here too since there are lots of professionals on the board, even if we don’t act so professional sometimes :D. Looking to update a very outdated resume from entry level to mid level. Not looking to leave current job but I’ve gathered over 20,000 paid hours of work in 6.5 years, and it would be nice to have some options if things change in the future.
My teenage resume writing skills will no longer suffice after looking at my Dad’s professional resume.
Resumes largely need to be written for some HR person who looks for key words and other bullshit…Every serious job I have taken they barely looked at it after the initial HR convo
This. I’ve interviewed a bunch of people this year. Mostly used the resumes to rule people out. Then just figured the rest out with my own questions.
We’re a small shop so my boss and I review resumes without any HR firewall to screen them. I almost threw one out the other day because it used Comic Sans for the headers. Come on guys, you’re not applying at a freaking daycare.
Beyond that I look at skills and experience over formatting, fluff and fonts. If your resume shows you know your shit you’ll get an interview when I’m looking to fill a position. I’ve also concluded interviews early on people that had just beautiful resumes because once I sat down and started talking tech with them I realized that about the only thing the candidate was really qualified for was writing resumes.
We just interviewed three people yesterday and I have a few more I’ll be interviewing next week. Resumes are nothing more than a door ticket to an actual meeting. I’ve had average resumes turn out to be a great candidates and holy shit awesome resumes turn out to be complete wastes of time.
I interviewed a guy earlier this week who couldn’t stop rolling his eyes every time I told him how we do things here. He couldn’t stop telling me how he manages to “live within his means” and really doesn’t need to work much. I cut it short.
Well guys I appreciate the feedback and if anyone cares I would love to send off my resume just to hear some opinions. Also @LZ, I agree with you about the technical aspect of things. I am very confident in my manufacturing knowledge and believe I can make any system run better after observing it for sometime, but if someone asked me “what’s the moment-force or max tension psi using this data” I’d say I need a book. I seriously have used 0% of what I learned in school for any of my work. I’d say 70% of what I learned was on the job, and 30% was from turning wrenches as a teenager to young adult.
Resume is completed (for now). If anyone here would like to read it, tear it apart, take down my number and play jokes on me, pee on it and send me back a picture of it, I’d appreciate it. Please shoot me a PM with your email. I feel some stuff is redundant etc. So I know improvements can be made.