resume builders

Has anyone had a professional prepare a resume for you? I’m going to submit mine for a job and i want it done tip top. I have hear they charge around $100, which is fine. I just want it done right.

I mean, if you have microsoft word, it’s pretty simple…

I can do one up on word, I actually have one on file. I wan’t it professionally reviewed and prepared.

Could be worth the money. Do you have any school based resources available for free though?

I have to go to a week long workshop for this in a few weeks. YAY!

Ok I have to know. Who has a picture of themselves on their resume? My dad and sister swear by it. What says you?

I took a course in college for this…It’s annoying as fuck.

Seriously…just google resumes, open word and make one, really it’s not that hard.

I have never seen that or heard of it, but your dad knows his shit. :gotme:

EDIT: To the picture on your resume thing.

Yea i alredy have one but I have to go.

Yea he is who talked my sister into it…and she landed one of the highest paying jobs i have heard of for someone with no work experience right out of school. She makes MORE then BECK! hahahahahah

This isn’t for pouring coffee at Starbucks. This is for a job that pays well into the 6 figure range. I won’t be submitting a hacked google resume. I want it prepped and proofed by someone that specializes in building a proper resume.

Damn. Can’t argue with that. Granted it would appear that the insertcougarspeedslastnamehere’s are preprogrammed for success, but still. :tup:

Nah what happened was that my sis and I got the hookup but I have a brother that is a complete failboat victim. Nice kid though!

Also in 6 months I am going to be unemployed!!! :fry:

I cant fucking wait either.

It can never hurt to have a professional create you something that will look presentable. I say go for it.

I’d pay 100 bucks if it gave me a better chance at making 6 figures…

Then I hope you understand that that resume and cover letter need to be SPECIFICALLY tailored to that job. That aside no resume writer will know YOU, YOUR SKILL SET, PERSONALITY, and JOB REQUIREMENTS (as they relate to items mentioned) BETTER THEN YOU.

I guess if you have no other resources. Seriously though, no family members who are higher ups? Family friends?

Networking with other professionals will be your BEST resource for this. I did this and had several VPs of IT companies look over my resume and critique it. Mine came out fucking awesome.

It’s not all it’s cracked up to be…I hate it.

HAHAHA Yea dude I was being sarcastic I already have a few job seeds planted. Although i will be in school full time again as I will be able to finish in two semesters and am sick of night school.

Make sure you use resume paper. There was some discussion on that a while back.

Simply look for an example resume based on the type of job you are applying for. Not all resumes are alike.

Pics of said sister, so we will really know why got the job:)