Retard explains to shiftwhat Vtakkk is

1.) It doesnt look like a DC header
2.) I looked it up and it does have a factory tach.
3.) He never signified the brand.
4.) Before you go running your mouth why dont u get ur fuckin facts straight… I do it all by myself, oh I get $100 a week from my daughters father who makes 18 dollars a hour and lives with mommy and daddy and doesnt pay any rent , so if thats who you mean “assists” me in my living ur way off, legally the judge even said it I am entitled to 246 dollars a week and I wanted to be fair to him so I agreed on a 100 dollars. I do have a bf and the only thing we split is the rent and nimo which is 700 all together. So I pay my car insurance, my car loan, my daycare, and every thing else ON MY OWN. Please again before you try playing Mr cock mouth get ur facts straight. Thanks have a nice day:thumbup

5.) Instead of only posting whenever I do and trying to attempt to bash me and fail, why dont u actually post on here as a member instead of just someone that stalks me to try and say bad shit

6.) Back on Topic, to the OP, If you try for 500 u might be able to find someone, I honestly think 800 is a lil high IMO.