Retard explains to shiftwhat Vtakkk is

Bud you can come too. I’ll practice my skiing for this winter…

My thoughts exactly!

The Op is a tool and i was glad to see i wasnt the only one who knew that. It was funny but offtopic bs took over

I agree

second grade I figured these out <- link, that should help you

cliff whats your beef dude ?

i do feel like her first post was mad cherries, but honestly its not my business, when people go around lyin their faces off… it doesnt make it right to call them out every chance you can, just leave it… its almost never worth the hassle of calling them out, and it becomes obvious after a while when u get someone running around spewing bs…

you always go full force on internet beef LOL

ya ****** should all chill out

AND i think the thread title for this thread is unnecessary , and I think all you fuckers need to give the kid a god damn fucking break, and stop busting his balls if you dont want the car then why the hell did you post ?

And in first grade I figured out the concept of “figure of speech” … why don’t you go to wikipedia and search that one too.

No shit, atleast someone agrees with me.

I’m waaay too lazy to go back and quote everything, but she got waaay too hurt and just started spitting out everything there was about her personal life. lol.

I look at it this way… she went at that kid acting like an arrogant fuck. She ripped that whole post apart acting like she was kewl trying to blend in with the shift518 junkies. What pissed me off is she put herself on a pedestal in the process. Dont knock someone while patting yourself on the back. I don’t agree with that.

Bash on someone all you want, I do it more than enough… but atleast know what you’re talking about when doing so. Don’t number your attacks when 85% of them are incorrect and make you look like an idiot.

Thats my point. So everyone can hate on me alll they want because they’re sexist assholes. I need to be quiet because shes a giiiiirl… seriously, sexist assholes, thats all they are.

If Joey came in here bashing this kid saying, “Im young and I have a nice car” you all know DAMN WELL he would get A LOT of shit for that since his parents helped him out. Its the SAME exact thing…

Cliff whatever tricia said in regards to her personal life and let out of the bag was brought on by you and your ignorant comments pretty much putting her down bigtime. I have no idea what the fuck your problem is but its uncalled for.

She assumed it wasnt a DC header… who gives a flying fuck hwo the fuck do you go from a DC header fight to pretty much saying she gets help on everything spreads her legs for her boyfriend and get half rent paid etc etc…

Really it seems like you hear/view things as you please… but maybe thats just me.

Dont know you dont give a flying fuck but I really think you need to take a step the fuck back and realize how big of a cocksucker your really being in this thread.

Go back and read the thread… infact, let me highlight key points for everyone.

It all started with this…

4.)And don’t pull the “23 y/o single mother” thing acting like you do it allllllll by yourself. You know damn well thats not the case. Maybe you should include other forms of income and other people who assist in your living expenses when you inform people what you own at your age.

Tricia went on to post this…

4.) Before you go running your mouth why dont u get ur fuckin facts straight… I do it all by myself, oh I get $100 a week from my daughters father who makes 18 dollars a hour and lives with mommy and daddy and doesnt pay any rent , so if thats who you mean “assists” me in my living ur way off, legally the judge even said it I am entitled to 246 dollars a week and I wanted to be fair to him so I agreed on a 100 dollars. I do have a bf and the only thing we split is the rent and nimo which is 700 all together. So I pay my car insurance, my car loan, my daycare, and every thing else ON MY OWN. Please again before you try playing Mr cock mouth get ur facts straight. Thanks have a nice day

5.) Instead of only posting whenever I do and trying to attempt to bash me and fail, why dont u actually post on here as a member instead of just someone that stalks me to try and say bad shit


haha, I wouldnt buy it if I couldnt afford it. I dont know though I might be a little hardpressed with the hundred I get every week for child support.


400 is barely enough to cover her expenses. I pay 550 just for daycare, then about a 100-150 in food, then clothing, etc…I really dont understand ppl in thinking that women that get money for child support are gold diggers, its really not like that. If you want I will post all my expenses and income and I am 100% sure you would change your mind.

Plus if I was a gold digger I would have went for the full 17% I was entitled to, but I didnt I agreed on wayyy less than that.


I work full time and pay 150 a week for daycare/preschool. I dont know about ur buddys ex wife, but Im not like that.

One more time

She sounds it, naa I never spend the money on myself, only for her. I hate ppl that spend it on themselves. I can say I 100% spend it on my child. Its only $100 so its easy between daycare and food a week to spend it on her.

Found another gem…

Thank Cliff for involving himself in my personal life.

Okay, so let me get something straight… what did I say that was soooooo bad? I decided to remind her that theres more to what she informed people about when she placed herself on a pedestal?

After that, she got on the defensive and posted ALLLLLL that… mind you, that was my only post so far. Everything I quoted from her came from different posts.

Now, here is my next response…

4.)I’ll touch up later on that

That was in reference to all this shit going on… thats alllllll I said.

She decided to respond with this…

Also there is no need to “touch up” on #4 cause theres nothing you can say and you know it, or are you going to go check with my daughters father and see if you can find some other way to bash me? I bet you find out Im right. Just because you know my daughters father doesnt mean you know me or anything about my life, so stop acting like you do. Also theres always 2 sides to a story so keep that in mind.

I don’t know her daughters father… lol. My original post was in regards to her living with her boyfriend… she decided to spit out ALLLL that personal shit.

So really, up to this point how the fuck am I the bad guy? She lives with her significant other… she makes him sound like a roommate… give me a fucking break. He’s her boyfriend… not a fucking roommate.

And again, my response to all this shit… for her

and by the way… Having someone pay half the rent and electric while receiving 400 a month in child support is nor called being a 23 yo single mother who does it all by themselves. You’re just not married.

My point is… You try to bash this kid while acting like you’re awesome with your expenditures yet fail to include nearly 800 dollars in what doesn’t come out your check. Doesn’t make any sense to me…

Here I bring up how her boyfriend pays half… WHICH SHE SHARED WITH US. I also mention at this point the child support, WHICH SHE INFORMED EVERYONE OF.

Again, where am I the asshole?

At that point, kkkumster tells me to shut the fuck up… and to stop spewing other peoples personal life over the internet.

How have I spewed anyones personal life over the internet? The fact she lives with her boyfriend is common knowledge. She has shared that information PUBLICALLY on both this forum and Yet, I still havent said a single thing in regards to her personal life that she hasnt brought up directly in this thread.

A few more useless posts go on back and forth… I try to explain to her simple things… she comes at me with this.

Wow u are stupid Im not even going to argue with you, people like you make me feel smart at the end of the day.The fact that I am not married, Im not with my daughters father, and my boyfriend does not in any way money wise support me or my child, I am a single 23 yr old mother. Now gtfo.

Its comments like that I don’t like… I cannot stand when retards insult my intelligence. That was THE first personal attack. SHE threw the FIRST personal attack at me. Again, what have I done to be the bad guy yet?

Her calling me stupid… insulting my intelligence led me to bring up the spreading her legs for dough comment. She attacked first… :wink: I retaliated.

So again, I’m the asshole? Shady, kkcustoms, norwood, fuck you. Dick for brains.

Since shes got a fucking vagina, you have to stick up for her because shes emotionally driven? Fuck that… she brought it upon herself.

^^^^ Yes its a long post. But it shows I’m correct.

you guys are off your rockers.:vlad


What is wrong with you people? If his price is to high, and you stay out of the thread, he’ll get no replies, and he’ll be forced to lower his price. It’s not f’in rocket science.

I see this shit happen on EVERY forum. Just because it’s the internet, doesn’t give you guys a license to be douche bags.

Singh, just lock it up already. Nothing good has come from this or will come from this. I feel like I’m a forum with a bunch of high schoolers. :facepalm

thread title is completely necessary. i made a legitimate offer for the hoopty and the kid got all butt hurt about it and started blasting off names to people. so i will return the favor and call him a retard.

dont like it, dont read it.

the Cliff Vs. KKKustom Vs. whatsher name is totally out of control though.

yeah, they were def. out of line. I don’t appreciate it…


too many fuckin crybabies in this thread. :cry:

youre a guilty party. and its not the first time youve gotten yourself in the middle of something like this, if i recall you were recently banned for similar events. so if i were you i would chill out. just a heads up

He was banned for nothing of the sort. Messing with that retard that keeps making names is a moderator using their power for NO reason.

Tricia did NOT have to go as in depth as she did. Could’ve simply said “ok” or “fuck you” or something simple and left it be and went on with bashing the OP or not saying anything at all.

It has nothing to do with being sexist. I could care less if shes the hottest chick in the world or fugly mcfuglicans. Youre being a dick and carrying shit on for no reason. So she didnt know it was a dc whatever header. And she loves her VTAK. It doesnt change the fact that youre a dick for no reason. Its the intenet. Who cares what she said. Stop trying to make her look like a terrible mom whos not as good a yours for having a roomate. Im sure you would be a better mom then her. With no roomate/boyfreind just so you could say you did it yourself. And then have your kid living with you while your on the interwebz talking smack. Just like you are. From what ive gathered you still live with mom and are trying to degrade somone thats living by themselves…and supporting a child. How do you have any room to talk. Im glad she can still have some fun while having a kid. Good for her. Maybe she was out of place and said some bad things about the OPs car…like everyone does on shift. But dont be a dick just to try to make her look bad.

all 3 are guilty. all wrong. tricia needs to not air her life to shift, but theres also no need for cliff to continue beating the dead horse, and kkkustom needs to relax as well.

and what are you talking about moderator using power? are you the one making the names, spamming this board?

+1 ,this thread is a joke i mean come on she spilled the shit herself and fuck 150 a week in daycare thats easy do 310 a week ,800 rent ,yada yada .who cares .she spread her legs and wants simpathy fuck that dont post personal shit ,if ya dont want it brought to light

:rofl kkkustoms does need to relax.

and idk, whoever banned me and Cliff. It’s like REALLY? I don’t really care because it’s over, but it was CLEARLY, 100% CLEAR, that we were messing with that douche.

and no, I am not making the names to spam the forum, wouldn’t waste my time.