Retard explains to shiftwhat Vtakkk is

Since were bringing up extremely personal things on a car forum… I just want to let everyone know that PJB was sexually touched by his priest and that is why he is a pedophile.

i will say, it wasnt me who banned either of you, but i did modify the spammer’s ban from 3 days to Permanent.

kenz as ya know i like ya , but christ who cares ya bag on pepps also for no reason so dont throw stones

Oh yeah, I know…I didn’t think you would have over messing with the idiot spammer/BANana taker.

Nah man, Shady post useless shit and bag on people? No way.

oh wait…

ok cool cool this is the quartly subscription thread where everyone is gonna jump on each other and get in the ethuggin spirit and start drama

word :lol

shut up silly indion:lol




fuh real try to start it up with me i’ll just ban ban ban

abuse ftw :number1

i know ,and for once im not involved really:lol

lmao if this thread goes another 2 pages u prolly will be, cuz it looks like you’re bored

christ it was a joke ,sorry ya used to be able to take it now ya cant :eek3


i was kidding to, talk about taking a joke CHRIST !:retardclap

i dont ban people that shit is gay

this sucks ya cant get the full sarcastic feel over the net…singh can ya change that to lolol

uh yea… i’ll figure it out

I bag on peeps about car related shit. I dont egg on someone, (granted tricia is the one who let all her dirty laundry out) then continue to reticule their life not fully knowing whats going on making assumptions and being an overal douchebag to the person putting them down.

Dont matter who the fuck it is on here cliff was out of line

Me busting on smokin about his catfish is way differant then me bustin on smoking and saying something like his girlfriend is a dirty whore and only spreads her legs for him for this and this reason… thats not related to what cliff said but just saying

Smokin dont take that seriously im just using you as an example as everyone knows ive been bustin on you lately

I’ve got a bellybutton

can I stick my dick in it?

Like I said… She threw the first personal attack. I retaliated. And norwood… Srs… Stfu pole smoker. I don’t discuss my personal life on a forum with more people who don’t know me than do. But I’m in upstate ny right now… Where I’ll be for the remainder of the year. It’s also my legal address and where I have a job. My mom lives 700miles away… Figure that one out.

Ok firstly I am a very very defensive person, ask anyone and you can prolly see, I have had enough people in my life put me down, and I dont like it at all, it pisses me off, and I do not allow people to degrade me, and btw Cliff DOES know my daughters father and I could easily prove it. I in alot of my posts told cliff to take it elsewhere and he just kept going, I even sent him a private message asking him nicely to please stop, so why am I looking like the childish one? Im sure most of you have gf’s too, would you let someone talk to them like that? I did not air out my “dirty laundry” for all of shift to read, I was simply trying to prove that I dont have all of the resources cliff said I did. I never bashed the OP, in fact other ppl called the car a pile of shit, PR car, blah blah blah, all I said was it wasnt worth 800 and I pointed out why. Im not a crybaby, I just do not allow ppl to bash me, Im not going to just sit here and ignore it. I can gaurantee that if Cliff didnt know my daughters father and didnt sorta know me he would have never said half the shit he did. Im sorry as I said in 3 posts for it going offtopic and I asked him to take it else where, but like I said he kept it going so…If you are going to think I am a crybaby or whatever for sticking up for myself, after being told I spread my legs and earn money, then you are not men. Cliff has a serious issue with me, this is the 2nd time he has gone off and bashed me. Ive worked hard to be where I am now, and dont deserve to be put down.