Retard explains to shiftwhat Vtakkk is

other ppl made similair comments so I was just stating my opinion also in reference to him saying hes not 30 with a high paying job or whatever he was implying.

The kid just graduated high school and had to do it all on his own. He couldn’t work a 40 hr a week job.

And wow I is soo stoopid… Listen fuckface. You can’t spell… You don’t know shit about anything… How much horsepower and torque did your throttle body spacer add?? Lol… Don’t insult my intelligence because trust me… You’re far from being on the same level as me.

And the way you made it seem… You acted like you support you and your daughter all by yourself while affording an 07 civic si… Which is not the case. That is my point. If you didn’t have your bf paying half the rent and electric could you afford the car you have now? Prob not… So don’t mislead someone acting like you’re 23 having nice things because you earned them. Spreading your legs and collecting dough isn’t earning shit.

Ok firstly I CAN afford my car without my bf with no problem at all, thank you, and who the hell are you to say I spread my legs and collect dough? I swear to god if I ever see you Im going to bitch slap u in the face, no joke. You are the rudest most disrespectful person I have ever met. I have nice things bc I earn them. Who still lives @ home? not me, I dont rely on anyone but myself. Notice something Cliff, in the past 2 pages of posts how many times did I slam u and say bad shit about u? NONE, and you have completly gone off the deep end for no reason with me. Fuck off

So let me get this straight… Every time you moved in with someone, you didn’t contribute a dime towards the roof over your head or the resources you consume living there? Or do you still live in your parents basement?

Simple math, 2 people live in X and consume Y… each pays half of X&Y.

And comments like that will get you punched in the face. I dont care who the fuck you are, she is still a woman… dont cross that line.

Im sorry for this thread going way off topic, I just couldnt let someone who barely knows me say shit like that. Cliff if u need to continue to bash me whatever then, I am no longer writing back, so dont think ur right cause Im not saying anything, Im just not going to let someone bully me for no reason. Closed.

Try it. You’ll regret it.

what me punch you in the face? I may be small, but I stick up for what right… I might get my ass kicked for it sometimes… fuck it it doesnt matter. Bottom line is you will still look like the asshole for fucking with a women like that. But if I do knock your ass out, you will look like an even bigger pussy… so it is worth the shot.

Tricia you tried to bully the op and you put yourself on a high horse. You’re not going to stay up there when you mislead people from the truth.

Yea… Punching me in the face. Try it… If you wanna get physical take it to pms. :wink:


%75 of the on topic posts were baggin on the OP by other shift members… You saw a single comment she made, and spun it way the hell out of controll.

See thats where you still look like a e-thug… As i mentioned in my very first reply here… I dont know either of you… I just stated moral opinions. I also stated that if I am out somewhere in public and someone I am with or know is confronted in the manor you caried out i might have something to say.

Want to make it physical take it to pms… I havent heard anything in that context since middle school… its like meet me by the basketball courts 2:30… grow up.

Ya but they didn’t mislead people like she did. She claimed to do it allll on her own. She already admitted that’s not the case… The op just graduated not even a month ago. He doesn’t get help and that’s all he could afford without his parents buying him a single thing. If she’s going to act like that toward him I will call her out on bullshit.

By the way… Still waiting on that pm tough guy.

You said you were going to hit me. Now I’m the ethug from middle school? If you wanna hit me so bad do it. But I say take that to pms so it’s a private affair. If you wanna be so bold to threaten me don’t back down now.

What ever dude. If you think i am a tough guy, you must be some internet-base Physic. Because you haven’t met me… and honestly i don’t feel like meeting you, not because I am worried about fighting you or some childish shit like that. More that I have a life, a state job, a house… and I better my self each day but NOT acting like you do. Why would I try to set up a “meet me by xxx @ x:xx and we can fight each other… :ahh”??? base on your actions here, I can assume that i have allot more to loose in my real life, than i would gain by meeting you for the first time and taking a swing at you… base on some internet bullshit.

But if i must explain it again…

All I said was making comments against women like that would get you punched in the face. Unless you are the dumbest person alive, i guarantee you if you were in a bar, and said that exact same comment towards ANY woman in there you wont look like a role model, and someone would try to correct you, physically or verbally.

Are you tiring to be the next Failvis???

Reading comprehension is greater than you.

To quote myself in post #124
"And comments like that will get you punched in the face. I dont care who the fuck you are, she is still a woman… dont cross that line. "

I missed the part that said “I, KKKUSTOM will punch CLIFF in the face”.

Please point that out for me, friend.

I am not going to take sides on this but Cliff, you are wrong about her supporting herself. She made a deal to live with someone so she could save X amount of dollars because she is smart with her money. It leaves her a little extra every month and she gets to do what she wants with it. She pays her half of the arrangement without help from anyone, her child support is NOT a give me, therefore she supports herself and still has nice things. I don’t see the problem if she is bashing the OP for claiming something good about that pile of complete shit on the first post. Either way, man the fuck up and leave your opinions to yourself on this one. It is out of line and inappropriate. Apparently you feel the need somehow to compare yourself to a 20 year old single mom who works for a living. From what I gather you still live with mom and dad? Not going to come to any conclusions here but my guess is that your having some problems with feeling inferior. Just a guess though.

disclaimer: I don’t know anything about anything in this thread, but from the information given Tricia is doing everything she can to support herself and her child. Moving in with her b/f could be viewed as a wise financial decision on her part. Either way she is still doing it on her own. Drop it.

You are the one who brought up physical violence. Like I said… Try it. You ran your mouth too far and now you’re back pedaling. Seriously… Who brings that shit up and then says the shot you’re saying? You look like a real big bitch…

So I guess ill play the same game you are. You might want to watch what you say to strangers on the Internet… Because before you know it you’ll get dropped hard and your face stomped in. Not saying I’d do that… But I’m just saying your behavior on this forum… That could happen to you if you ran into someone like me in person. That’s all.

Note to mods. This isn’t a threat… It’s what could potentially happen if other people were involved.

No she isn’t doing it all on her own. Doing it all on her own is no help from anyone… My mom did it all on her own. She had no help and no income from anyone bit her employer. I saw first hand what it is to do it allll on your own and my mom made more than she did and had no chance to afford a new car. She busted her ass to give me what she could. That’s doing it on your own… She’s not.!

Liston up… this is my last comment. You need to look hard at the exact works I typed. I, Shift Member KKKUSTOM did not threaten you Shift Member CLIFF. If anything it was a general warning you should keep in the back of your head, if you were to express yourself in public the way you did. Yes I did bring up physical violence, as a matter of topic, not as a direct action from me to you.

The part you said three times now about the “Go a head Try it…” stuff, is actually a direct threat towards my Shift 518 user ID, and I am willing to bet I could take this to my lawyer, or the authorities and you would have problems.

But… Mehhhh


I’m getting dizzy. How many more times we going to go around on this ride? 2 pages of the same thing, over and over again.

Just drop it.

OP, if you’re still reading, good luck with the sale of your car.