Retardedly expensive audio equipment... and a LOT more...

Let me make something clear for a second here. I am 18, I have a minumum wage job. I spent 3 grand on a home theatre system before i had a car.

Now you say my speakers are shit, thats a matter of opinion, my speakers are crystal clear and sound better than B and W’s bottom end which costs 4x more than mine did. Yes i have an all in one unit, becuase I cant afford a Macintosh amp, and all the components I would love to have. I got a good deal on that Unit and it sends a good signal, and it is one of the best Brands for home audio that is general class (IE not Macintosh and Marantz). I really wanted a pair of Mark Levinson speakers but didnt have 8 k for them.

I have quality sound, superb bass, and a system that will run fine for me, for probably a good 10 years at least.

If you would like to continue this discussion, shoot me a PM. I’d love to talk audio, as i do Professional sound as a side job.