Retardedly expensive audio equipment... and a LOT more...

More on topic nonsense. A lot of what you are paying for at that level is artistic as well. Just like my fancy furniture looks a lot better than your particle board crapola you got at walmart for $5.95. I’m sure there are plenty of people who would rather have the speakers than $15,000 worth of unassembled parts sitting inside a red hatchback.

I’ve seen cables in the $30k range before. Waste of money IMO, same way that I think a $50 of wine is a waste of money, I can’t tell the difference.

audioquest mount everest, totem wire are pure silver and sound amazing with the right speakers, if you have the right equipment things work great, shit on my dac to pre i went from audioquest sidewinders to audioquest king cobras and there was a huge difference in accurate bass reproduction now, sounds so much better, but i guess you have to be into it just to understand it

I went with the low end of the spectrum of high end. Definitive Technology BP series speakers for me. Denon receiver. Velodyne Sub

Hey Beckington!!

Your post Numbers 72, 87, 88 are quite disappointing.

You forgot to add how $100K speakers are NuTtYz!


(I was heavily amused how you always added a little blurb about the speakers regardless of the post content.)

wtf? On topic, off topic, wayyyyyy off topic, back to on topic again.

Anyway…100k for speakers is still fucking rediculous. I’d rather hire juan valdez to bring me coffee every morning for a year striaght for 100k than a set of speakers.

you bother me so much, two things any crediable scource says that those speakers are shit, and two you have an all in one unit ie receiver.

Typical ad hominem argument strategy.

I <3 my Sansui AU-9500. Standalone amps > *


I don’t like you. You touch guys. You also have an automatic car.

And it’s more of a hasty generalization than ad hominem.

wtf did i miss

wow, 5 pages of ridiculous banter, My stand… it’s just his sig, if you don’t like it… ignore it. Why blow it way out of proportion?? And I am not going to comment on anything else, not trying to end up on the losing end of endless political SIG!! battle. Just a sig… nothing else.

has anyone that bashed his sig watched loose change??? cuz you should.

any where i can find pics of multi thousand dollar equipment installed or what??

i guess i really shut up badazzss?

thats f00kin nutz…

off-topic…yea there isnt nething wrong wit the sig… IM OPINION

Let me make something clear for a second here. I am 18, I have a minumum wage job. I spent 3 grand on a home theatre system before i had a car.

Now you say my speakers are shit, thats a matter of opinion, my speakers are crystal clear and sound better than B and W’s bottom end which costs 4x more than mine did. Yes i have an all in one unit, becuase I cant afford a Macintosh amp, and all the components I would love to have. I got a good deal on that Unit and it sends a good signal, and it is one of the best Brands for home audio that is general class (IE not Macintosh and Marantz). I really wanted a pair of Mark Levinson speakers but didnt have 8 k for them.

I have quality sound, superb bass, and a system that will run fine for me, for probably a good 10 years at least.

If you would like to continue this discussion, shoot me a PM. I’d love to talk audio, as i do Professional sound as a side job.

MMMM marantz. found 6 marantz amps/receivers/tuners all in the garbage all worked fine. OMGspooge.

stay on topic, meaning speakers and sht :whip:

Another one. That’s what an ad hominem is. Attacking the messenger is a great way to show that the situation isn’t fully understood (or that the person made a decision as to which side to align with and used some lovely justification techniques to make the situation seem less complicated than what it is). Please stop playing dress-up. Neither side here has seen that the situation is a problem on both sides and not just one. It takes two to tango.

Listen, if you have anything to say about my sexuality you can bring it up with me in person. Otherwise it’s no stretch of the imagination to believe that you’re nothing but a coward. I think I tread lightly on that subject because it has no place on a car forum. I tend to show people a little more respect than what I’m given because I believe in karma, and I know you probably believe in hell. And I’d be so happy to offer you the opportunity to smell your own flesh burn off your bones.

corey ftw
