Retardedly expensive audio equipment... and a LOT more...

Are you seriously trying to make fun of me right now? Didn’t you once make fun of someone’s insult and compared it to saying my dad is better than yours? You did and saying my dad rapes me is the same as saying that. What a clown.

You keep bringing up words such as homosexual and rape. Repressed anger at your father?

gustav and beck = me and fbodys

At any rate, i have to go now. Almost every post i made in this thread regarding the sig is lacking anger and my typical banter, so if you are going to trash me and my sig, please read the posts. Or don’t and seem a fool. Up to you.

Yes. And your mommas a bitch.

(thats my repressed anger built up, because she hasn’t called me in a month)

I just thought he might be since he automatically thought that I would call him that.

o m g
beck has graduated to girls over 18… lock up your moms.

I posted to make fun of newman for hating bush but he’s not as dumb as beckington.

Beckington, if you want my mom to call you then you have to treat her right. She likes flowers.

I find it funny you guys are going back and forth about everything BUT the sig, that’s all.

well i figured it was a safe bet, that you weren’t going to call me straight.

you’re mom said she didn’t want anything :gotme:



this is OT… he better not get banned lol

but if he does… it was worth it in my book lol

Calling you gay really doesn’t make sense in this situation.

She says she doesn’t want anything but she actually wants some good speakers. I think the ones she mentioned cost around $100,000.

yo idk why i would get banned.

all my posts were on topic.

its not my fault gustav went back, quoted me, and changed around what i said


i’m willing to bet, there are more expensive speakers than 100k

Gustav speaks nothing but the truth. hahahaha Changing it from rape to buying $100,000 speakers. They could be similar experiences.

so what you guys are saying is… i shouldn’t have baught bose?

Those speakers better damn well come with spinners built into the driver for that much. :tup:\

And apparently you can get into the the $250k range.

Bose = shit

I already called Beck gay, don’t worry I got that covered… read back a page or two.

Beck, I have a brother but hes not in my pictures, ass…

250k speakers? Now this is just getting retarded!

$100k speakers are worth $100k just like an Enzo is worth it’s price tag. Sure for 99% of the people, it’s not only stupid, but far out of their reach. That said, there are differences, and while most will argue that there is a huge difference between the high end and the crapola, the difference between the high end and the super high end is nearly impossible to identify.

But it’s cool to say you have it.

Oh wait, was i supposed to be off topic?