May 22, 2006, 8:30pm
Another one. That’s what an ad hominem is. Attacking the messenger is a great way to show that the situation isn’t fully understood (or that the person made a decision as to which side to align with and used some lovely justification techniques to make the situation seem less complicated than what it is). Please stop playing dress-up. Neither side here has seen that the situation is a problem on both sides and not just one. It takes two to tango.
Listen, if you have anything to say about my sexuality you can bring it up with me in person. Otherwise it’s no stretch of the imagination to believe that you’re nothing but a coward. I think I tread lightly on that subject because it has no place on a car forum. I tend to show people a little more respect than what I’m given because I believe in karma, and I know you probably believe in hell. And I’d be so happy to offer you the opportunity to smell your own flesh burn off your bones.
don’t sweat the hateful white trash, they won’t ever get it. they’d rather spend time hating people for personal decisions that don’t affect them than worrying about their own problems.