Return of the Silvia - 2010?

Like the title says…
I found out about this from watching fastlanedaily ( Not to much info out yet though.


What you think?

First concept sketch looks hot… Second and third… the only thing I like are the wheels :smiley:

The front end looks like a modern version of the S13’s pignose :o

imagine if they smoothed it on in the next 2yrs if they stick with the design, lol

& the rear end looks like an S2000, which it’s not bad but I don’t want any Honda influence from the rear :S

not sexy enough

looks like its gonna come with some wide wheels lol, and prolly some power i wonder if we will get it. i wouldnt be surprised if we get it we get the same motor as japanese version.

What’s Mr. Bean doing there?

YAY nissan is bringing it back!
but I think it looks abit to mature. =P

New for 2010, the Nissan Porchmonkey.

old news

and its ugly

i dont like that new design. damn ugly! why are they making every car look like the new nissan 350z? its pissing me off. even the new gtr looks like the 350z.

They should have just kept the chucki or pignose , and made it over so they are all not rusty :slight_smile:

It’s not bad, I would hope it would be RWD based on the Altima coupe nice and small, but I do hate the grill. HORRIBLE.

If it was a RWD Altima Coupe I’d start selling internal organs now. They’re so sexy it hurts, but they’re wrong wheel drive…

looks too close the new civic si to be honest with you

Which is a fantastic little car, just wrong wheel drive!

“powered by a Renault engine.” I think i just died a little

Why? Renault builds solid cars. I’d totally drive one. They pwn in rally, and they’ve been around since the dawn of time…

yes yes , much worse than the german designed ka24 , maybe u should just try dying completly …

ino this is off topic but the new gtr looks crazy in redd. iwat if it comes witht he same motor as the gtr vr38dett.
heres some pictures of the gtr in dif colours

check out the super gt gtr .