Review: Zen 16GB

First impression: Good stuff

Battery is holding up like a champ, supports avi/divx files and converts them to the smaller size to save space.

Expandable SD card slot is cool, but does not integrate with the rest of the files. Similar to putting a memory card into your computer, you can access all the files, but its not on your primary HD.

Very light weight and bright colorful screen.

Only downside so far is I predict the screen will scratch easily so I need to find a case or something similar.

how much did you pay for this?

I saw the 8gig was only like $150

$175 for the 16 gig

Link provided has it for 183 plus you can find $5 coupons easily

Nice. I love Creative stuff. I’ll take a Zen over an iPod any day…

Does it still keep the simple drop and dragging of files that make me love Creative’s Mp3 players?

Good review, thanks man. Ive actually been looking toget a new MP3 player, but ive been up in the air about which way to go. This sounds like it could be exactly what I want.

Sort of, when u plug it in, you can open it in “Zen Media Explorer” and drag and drop