ricer owns himself showing off

fucking idiot. i cant belive he even lost control of the car, it didnt even look like he was going that fast.

thats why im a ricer for life…we live hard:D

thats the vid that i was looking for. i was wondering what the hell happened the the v-dub that it hit.

good job Quik thank you very much

idiots that cant drive…

what cracks me up about this video everytime i see it is the dumb broad thats having a hissy fit in the background and the idiot camera guy gettin a boner over a type R.

Originally posted by Cutty
what cracks me up about this video everytime i see it is the dumb broad thats having a hissy fit in the background and the idiot camera guy gettin a boner over a type R.
yup,the only time to get a boner is if there a G-body around!!!:smiley:

I just showed it to a bunch of guys in the office. Everyone has the same reaction. “What a dumbass!!”.

How do you wreck something in 20 feet?

soooo OLD

So funny… must be California Rice too…

damn, I wondered what he hit… i saw this a loooooong time ago. some ppl just cant fucking drive.

My guess is they stomped the kid some time later for haha… dub probably got wrote off too.

i laugh every time i see that, its like he is tryting to hit that car, i dont think anyone can fuck up that bad on accident, haha

Originally posted by ECOvenom
So funny… must be California Rice too…

Yup must be with florida plates :rolleyes:

Originally posted by 8Grand
dub probably got wrote off too.

it was fixed i believe