Ricer rant response

Your getting raped tonight in every fucking hole you have!



#1. Enforcement Clerk? :rofl: What the fuck do you enforce? :rofl:

#2. You sound like the pinnacle of maturity. What would your employers think if they knew you were threatening to beat people up on the internet because they are talking about your gay ass cars being gay?

#3. You’re all a bunch of faggots. Car Clubs are inherently queer, but you kids take it to a whole new level.

#4. In case you hadn’t noticed, the whole ricer douchebag phase is over. Not only do you pick a gay bandwagon to hop on, you hop on it 5 years late. I have some lovely pet rocks for sale if you’re in the market. :kekegay:

#5. If any of you had any personality whatsoever, and weren’t insecure losers with no self-esteem whatsoever who probably took it up the rear from daddy or uncle Chester, and now feel the need to act like niggers to compensate for your underlying cuntyness and emasculation, then you wouldn’t need to congregate in faggy little car clubs and your LOOK AT ME IN MY LOUD OBNOXIOUS COCKWAGON need to negative attention and rebellion.

#6. Fuck off and die.

for the first time in a long time, I wholeheartedly agree with every statement Darkstar has made…

get the rest of the crew on hurrrrrrr

I know somebody else that claimed to be an Engineer from CMU… I think he drove a BLUE Cobra or something.


It’s so hard not to agree with him after meeting him in person. :rofl:

i must be or i would find something better to do than entertain envious supersillous losers like yourself. we can meet anytrime if you want to settle this the old fashioned way. with the cars parked.

wtf is it with all these e-tough guys, all of a sudden everyone new kid on here wants to fight us older guys.

Get a life dude, fighting is for 12 year olds, not “college educated gentleman” like yourself, plus if it did come down to it, Im sure he would whip your ass

just cause i went to college don’t mean shit. i will resolve problems that way.
