the smartest and richest people I’ve ever met never went to college, congrats on spending 300k on a piece of paper
there ya go buddy fixed that up for you
That is absolute bullshit, and if you think our generation is going to be as accessible to executive type positions as our parents generations; you will be sadly mistaken.
where would you like me to start? I could name you 5 heads of multi million dollar companies who are all close friends of mine, none of which ever made it through college.
you may be right about the future…maybe, but your horribly mistaken right now
I would love to hear who your friends with that are heading up multi million dollar corps.
You wouldn’t like it if i got angry:kekegay:
wow u :tool: no0bs sure are making this thread LAME
I lost track of who’s arguing with who.
I think at this point it is everyone vs. everyone
Yup … Fuck you all! :kekegay:
same to you
oh yeah and your truck is gay
i am not in the automotive field buddy. all u guys around here use turbos so i was asking for advice. now i realize i shgould of asked ONLY you.
less turbo, more NAWZ
Do you wear blue blockers when you drive your CTS?
my best friend’s dad is a billionaire. did not go to college.
my best friend is a millionaire at age 24. didn’t graduate high school. it’s because he broke his neck in the spring of his senior year in a bike accident, but nonetheless… and he never went to college.
I didn’t graduate college and I started and grew a business from the lint in my pockets to what would have been close to 250,000 in sales this coming summer, should I move back to OC and do it.
make your own executive position.
I didnt know sausage cleaner paid so well
Doesn’t matter assclown, if you are all knowing MECHANICAL ENGINEER FROM CMU (as you don a cape) you should know what turbo to use.
You really are the biggest fuckstick to date on these boards.
You are such a fuckstick I think it is going to drive me to say hi to Darkstar and shake his hand in a civil manor. Maybe even buy him a beer at the next Pittspeed social gathering.
PS - “Pittspeed Social” gathering is not an all male circle jerk with you as the pivot man. I just wanted to clear up any possible confusion for you so you don’t show up to a PS wing night in your mighty CTS with your mouth wide open.