Ricer rant response

i guess your car came with all those bolt on parts. got to start somewhere jackass. my warranty expired and car has been paid off, so WTF do you care.

plugs are trash by-the-way


LOL My car? Maybe you should know who you are talking to or at least what I drive.

Well my truck came with all the “Bolt-on” parts on it since it is still OEM other than the bull bar and cover. My bikes (motorcycles just so you are not confused and thing I’m talking about bicycles) were modded with actual parts. I never listed spark plug REPLACEMENTS as a modification, even when I was a “ricer”. Just because you have to screw in a spark plug doesn’t make it a moddification.

So when are you getting your areodynamic windshield wipers? Are you going to have someone put them on for you or do you need help modding those as well.

For someone who claims they are an engineer, you are a FUCKING IDIOT. I wouldn’t let you engineer a paper football let alone anything something someone would really want or need. You are too fucking incompetent and nieve. “Buy American! Buy American!”, you are a fucking tool. Ever hear of a global economy? I bet you there are more made in Japan, China, Taiwan (etc) parts in your fucking geriatric mobile than you can imagine.

I’m going to bet you couldn’t even engineer a noose to hang yourself with.


lol. globilization is the downfall of our economy. im glad you support it. my car is completely made by UAW. the electrical components are made in germany. being specific about the ignition plugs is a common thing. as for me being an engineer, thats what smart people do. i work in the mining field and design and test mining implements. i also have a machinist certification and a minor in mathematics if that would apply to your interest in my line of work. learn about bernoulli’s principle before you try to understand why i tried a new type of ignition plug. testing new ideas is what engineers do.

No it is evident that you have access to google and try to come onto a car forum acting larger than life with your POS rides and claiming you are an engineer.

You assembling shovels for mining doesn’t make you an engineer anymore than making a Subway sandwich slinger an artist like Pablo Picasso.

You’re proud of this? :greddy:

B.S. Mechanical engineering Engineering 2005, CMU. sorry but true.

ok im done with you. who is next?

no im not a janitor or anything like that i am an enforcement clerk i have a real job unlike you retards who ask "do you want fries with that " and if anyone of you got a problem with me or anyone else in the club be a man lea ve your mommy and daddys basement and meet us face to face

awaiting darkstar kickass.:itr41:

How about your “club” shows up to the track opening weekend… show us all how you “Hurtin Feelinz”

So by “clerk” do you mean that you sit at a desk and sort/file paperwork all day? So that qualifies as a real job now? Where I come from, that is called a secretary.

Done with me? LOL who the fuck are you? God? King?

You have 70 posts, most of which are fucking retarded, and you think you are superior to people based on what they drive?

Hey Mr engineer why are you asking a bunch of people what Turbo you should get if you are mechanical engineer? You should already know what one you should get based on your “we test and figure things out that is what engineers do”.

You are a fucking fraud.

Gotta love euphemistic job titles, everyone wants a cool sounding title.

Yeah, I think I’ll call myself a “Senior Financial Data Compiler and Analyst”. Or I could just keep going by accountant.


I want to be a petrolium Engineer… any one need their gas pumped? I can do windows too


That fucking tool just took off his spark plugs from his modification list in his profile… :rofl:



And your still an idiot:wtf: