Ricer Rant

again instead of saying stuff on the web come meet me

oh now you gonna make fun of my job

Rumor has it, that by the end of the day you will be able to see what enforcement clerk actually means at www.urbandictionary.com

Come meet you? Do you want to hold me tight and cry on my shoulder and tell me that everything isn’t ok and your life isn’t what you thought it would be? … Fuck you!

here is the defenition i look up people with fines that are over due and send out a constable with a bench warrent

alll im saying is if you talk shit come settle it face to face and to you smoking diesel you aint got the balls to show up

This thread just needs bewbies to be a perfect thread…

paging Darkstar and Shaggy…


I love internet tough guys


So help me understand what you are saying. You work in a job that is related to law enforcement and you want people to come meet you so that you can attempt to assault them?
Please correct me if I am wrong. I just want to me sure before I show up and its a circle jerk or whatever you car club guys do together.


Hey … The only circle jerks I get involved with are only related to darkstar pewter and shaggy … Don’t start rumors that I’m cheating on them!

same thing i was thinking…


Video camera + meeting = lulz for atleast a year.


Hi. I’m here for the gangbang

Don’t forget about me…:slap:

Touche sir, Well played.

I just thought about it, it started out as thread making fun of this kid. Somebody had to go run and tell him that there was a thread making fun of him. After he found out, he had to tell his other friends about us making fun of him on here. Jeff, also, had to tell his girlfriend about her being made fun of. And then the car crew kids, that make all this money yet drive shitty cars, had to talk with each other about it.

I just picture these western PA thugs gossiping about a simple thread on Pittspeed, like little bitches, while they drink their miller lite. If they were all so hard, with real job as they say and this didnt concern them, why are they here posting?