Ricer Rant

don’t you just love mydouchepage. telling the world of your problems :rofl:


5th and forbes 10pm tonight?

just think if he woulda spent half that on a v8, the rx7 woulda lost, he would prob. get kicked in the ass for beating there “Shuper Hero” there would have been no eclipse to get shot and blow up, and maybe, just maybe, he coulda beat the charger at the end lmao,

that’s not funny motherfucker.

Noah, I will drop kick your bitch ass like a bad habbit. SmokinDiesel, I <3 you. No homo. I know its all in good fun.

good fun? since when did that start. ?

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqos3j07jzc”]YouTube - You want to wear the daddy pants?[/ame]
must watch all number 2

Good fun ended when you cut off your exhaust and would not quit joining the site under different account names :nono:

truth hurts

where exactly is that intersection?

In oakland right by CMU.

@ Dawlbabays chipped ham

are u serious tough guy? i would love to meet you or any of your fags you call friends face to face, trust me, you woudnt say a word.

Its onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn like donkey kong nowwwwwwwww mutha fucka :idb:

darkstar sucks the cawk & 1320 gobbles up the gooooooooooo

Your all a bunch of pussys …

burnyd takes care of the balls/asshole

dont quote me u fucking pussy


I tried to last night but you were “too tired”