Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

People doin shit 2nite? Whatsup?

hey guys! never been to this meet on fridays. where EXACTLY is the meet?

leslie and 16th 30 meters south of the south west corner of the intersection, and on the north side of the parking lot. is that EXACT enough? i hope so

-401 east to 404
-404 North to the 16th Avenue exit

  • turn right onto 16th avenue
  • I think you make a left at the third intersection. There’s a Shell at the 16th/Leslie intersection
    -+ everything Ciaran said.

So this happening tonite? May drop by with the g-man and girlzz.

Yeah man.

Pretty cool meeting some Rhill people.

I may come again next week :slight_smile:

TTT 9pm!

Ugh, would come if I wasn’t so beat from work…

Ill be there this Friday, my last time out at this meet before im gone, also the last time the car will be in my possession haha

Who else is gonna show?

I will.

i will most likely.


tonight… who? jlee that’s who!

yup down for the usual

good seeing you guys last night!

Roll call biatches… whos coming tonight?

i dont know what its suposted to be like tomorow, but whos going?

Ciaran you coming tomorrow? Bring Da Ruckus in the S13 :smiley:

neither are registered or driveable lol

im bringing the accent! lol