Ride/do STUFF on July 1st?

Not one rev limiter? Enjoyable cruise? George’s? No asshattery? Everyone is OK?!

I don’t know any of you personally, but that sounds like something i really, really want in on.
Next time i’d really like to tag along.
I mean, if i’m cool enough that is. :slight_smile:

Awesome!!! Thank you.

I only know like 4 or 5 people personally on here and I tagged along. Some cool people and it was a good ride even for a beginner like myself.


Yea couple more seconds later, it could of been a big problem. :frowning:

Yeah that deer was not cool. Whenever I see one, I just keep my eyes on the side of the road looking for more. I rarely see them alone.

Yeah it’s fun like that. We’ll have to set up some good Full Geared rides this summer. The only times Will and I got on it, was in the turns. And that’s because, well, it’s the reason we own the bikes in the first place lol.

Ya the turns were fun. I think I could have gone a little faster but I didn’t want to push it. Im still getting the feel of cornering and how you can take the 25 mph turns off the thruway at 60 mph like nothing.

Yeah, DO NOT push yourself yet. And certainly don’t push yourself when not riding with someone else. This is for numerous reasons.
The obvious safety concerns, but also, when you have a more experienced rider in front of you, it helps alot to stay on his line, and gauge your speed from his. As long as you have decent tires, you should be able to just hang with someone else, and get a feel for what it can really do. This is how I learned and it helped tremendously.

Ya I do like seeing how people go into turns ahead of me.

On a side note. The Honda has 30k miles on it. What are some things I should do when I get home after a night of riding before I put it away maintenance wise this month.

check the oil because it looks like it leaks out of the case.

good idea. i was parking it last night and noticed some spots where it was sitting over night so i am going to check it today when i parked it and see what is leaking.

I had a good time yesterday… it was fun cruising with a variety of bikes.

Nice meeting everybody/seeing them out.

We need to do this again

Agreed and word to that whole deer thing. I was definitely expecting like 5 more to bolt out into the highway. :bloated:

I love going on rides like that because it gets me out from just city commuting and I also learn a bit more about what I can do and also what my limits still are. Sometimes even what the bikes limits are.