ride height help....

my digital camera isn’t charged, so i don’t have pics, but any advice would be great…

i have a 06 se-r with tein basic coilover suspension. for some odd reason, the passenger rear end sits a lot higher then the other sides. i checked the ride height on the coilovers, and they all look to be even, is there anything that could be the problem??..i would guess its about an inch or so higher then the other sides…

did you measure to the top of the fender well??

the car probably has the least weight in that corner, and the corner diagonal of it is probably the heaviest. also make sure its on level ground

i can tell by looking. when you walk past my car from the backend, the right side is higher then the left, is it going to affect handling at all?? or should i lower that coilover do get to the same ride height as the left side??

Just lower it to make it even. Handling will be more negatively affected if the car isn’t level.

My Ground Controls are never exactly in the same spot, remember the cornerweights of the car are different with/without driver too.

yup! my old skunk2 coilovers were almost all four at different heights, and it never rode right until I measured the distance center of rim to fender vs height of the coilover, and it levled the car out…

yup…what he said. just because all rings on the sleeves are the the same height does not mean the car will be level.